Chapter 53

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Vegeta had established a routine for the household, he was so certain that it would avoid any stresses. It was foolproof against any accidents that may occur, for there was never such thing as a 'normal day' in his household. So after Goku left for work, Gohan was dropped off at school. Vegeta only had to take care of Goten, that's not so bad, nothing could possibly go wrong looking after a baby. After feeding Goten, he placed him in his bouncer. Everything was going to plan, in fact Vegeta felt so smug with himself. Chichi had complained how hard it was to look after a baby, she struggled to find time for herself. And here he was finding time to make himself some coffee ready to sit down before doing any house chores. He strolled into the living room with a cup of coffee, a smug grin on his face, oh he got this. Soon as he sat down, Goten found that as perfect timing to throw up over himself ruining the outfit that Vegeta had picked for him. Vegeta sat tight lipped, eyes narrowed on the now ruined outfit. He groaned as Goten proceeded to giggle.

"Of course you have to throw up now," Vegeta sighed as he stripped Goten down to his diaper, and placed him back in his bouncer. "Stay there," he pinched the bridge of his nose, just where could a baby who isn't even crawling yet, go? He glanced back at Goten who gave him a perplexed look.  "Just- Don't puke again," he groaned and marched to his bedroom to get spare clothing for his son. Of course this would happen, not a big deal, it's only sick- not like anything else will go wrong.

On returning to the living room after carefully picking a new outfit for Goten to wear, he was met with the bastard Raccoon sat next to Goten, who was giggling away and trying to grab its tail. It was as if the bastard vermin was taunting him, just sat staring back at him whilst waving its tail in front of Goten. Recalling that fateful day where there was shit smudged along the walls, the floor, and even the ceiling. Vegeta gritted his teeth, this was war. He chose to do what any sane adult would do at this situation- he rushed off and got a paintball gun that was stored away in the closet. That raccoon was not going to know what hit him, Vegeta smirked and strolled back into the living room aiming the gun at the shit smearing trash panda. The raccoon scurried around the living room knocking objects off along the way. Goten found this rather comical as he started to laugh at such display, his father running around the living room after the raccoon. Not paying attention to the objects now strewn across the floor, for his attention was mostly on the raccoon. Vegeta tripped on one of Goten's toys, causing him to fall over.  Just as he glanced up he was met by a stream of piss, the bastard raccoon pissed on his face, and then flipped him off before scurrying out the house. Slowly, Vegeta composed himself and got up from the floor and went for a shower. This is fine, absolutely fucking fantastic, nothing else will go wrong he reassured himself.

After his brisk shower, he went to get himself some clean clothes. However, for some unknown reason the drawers just wouldn't open. Now this really was testing his patience. He pulled and pulled, even hitting the dresser in desperation for the drawer to open, to no avail. This was just grand, trust him to assume that something would go right for once in his life. As he began to hit the dresser again he noticed a note that read-

'You know pushing you to try to make an apology is hard work, no matter how hard I push you, you never budge. Now I always push but now it's time for you to keep pulling. Have a great day big brother.'

Vegeta grumbled and crumpled up the note in his hand. His brother can shove such apology where the sun don't shine. Refusing to give in to his rage, he drew in a deep breath and calmly exhaled. Since his drawers are stuck, he will simply wear his husbands clothes instead. After getting changed into his husbands clothes, he calmly strolled back into the living room to see Goten had fallen asleep. Carefully, he lifted Goten out the bouncer and carried him to the bedroom and placed him in his bed. Vegeta sighed in relief, perhaps now he could actually sit down and have a cup of coffee. Ensuring the baby monitor was set up, he headed to the kitchen to make another cup of coffee since the last one he made went cold. Finally, peace to himself, nothing else could go wrong now. So he had thought as he sat down to enjoy his coffee. As he started to take a sip of his coffee, Goten had picked a perfect time to wake up. Vegeta massaged his temples, and headed to the bedroom to check on Goten. As he entered the room he was thrown back by strong stench. Goten had his usual explosive shits that leaked out his diaper.

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