Chapter 23

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A couple weeks since the gear knob incident, Vegeta couldn't stop thinking about the fact Chichi was carrying his husbands child. It was his day off work today, which he found as a perfect opportunity to make his way over to Chichi's and confront her and his brother. He was still baffled by the fact his brother still hadn't questioned it, even believing her story. Whilst his son was in school and his husband was working, he stormed over to Chichi's and knocked really loudly on her door. He stood folding his arms with a subtle glare as she opened the door slightly out of breath.

"Your brother isn't here, he's working!" She returned the glare and pouted as he proceeded to walk inside.

"Fine, I'll wait for a bit!" He walked into the kitchen with her waddling behind him still glaring. He grinned as he slowly spun on his heel and quirked a brow at her. "Besides, I know your secret!"

"Really? What's that then?!" She folded her arms raising her brows at him as his grin widened.

"You used my husbands sperm-that you had him donate when you two were just dating!" Feeling rather proud of himself he rested his hand on his hip giving her a tight lipped smile. He chuckled seeing her stood mouth gaped. "Yeah, we know!" How does the bitch like them apples.

"Fine, if he never of met you we'd of had a child of our own anyway!" She stuck her nose up looking away from him.

"Crazy bitch," he shook his head at her with the look of disgust.

"What you going to do about it? There's nothing you can do now," she let out a bitter laugh as she pointed at her bump.

"I'll tell Tarble!" just as he mentioned his brother she gasped and keeled over. He smirked seeing her brows scrunch together staring at the floor whilst her eyes started to flood with tears. "Ha! Don't like the sound of that do you?!" There was a sudden gush of water that burst onto the floor from between Chichi's legs. He scrunched his face up at the small puddle of water on the floor, before trailing his eyes up at Chichi with the look of disgust. "fucking hell, if you were that desperate for a piss you could of just excused yourself to the toilet, and not piss on the floor."

"I-I think that's my waters!" She wailed cradling her bump.

Vegeta's eyes widened in horror, he sure picked the day to confront the pregnant woman. "Shit."

"Call the fucking ambulance!" She snarled through her teeth with her nostrils flaring at him, as she slowly sunk down to the floor. Trying to take deep breaths she cried out in pain feeling a painful contraction.

"Why, you incapable of making a phone call yourself?" He frowned at her, he gulped seeing her deathly glare directly at him. That kind of glare where she wouldn't twice about stabbing him. "Alright, just tell that thing to stay put," he directed as a small bead of sweat formed side of his head whilst on the phone to the ambulance. He was praying that they'd arrive on time so he didn't have to witness the miracle of birth, mainly as he has a weak stomach when it comes to that sort of stuff. He winced as her screams pierced through his ears, well fuck he's either going to end up with a migraine, or go deaf, or even both at this rate. "yeah, I'm going to need an ambulance for a screaming mad woman, the address is-" he placed his index in his other ear, and walked out the room so he could hear the operator whilst confirming her address.

"I'm in fucking Labour!" She screamed whilst cradling the bump, her face flushed and slick with sweat. Another painful contraction surged through her body causing her to let out another painful cry.

"You hear that?" He asked the operator before holding out his phone towards her cries. He sighed pressing the phone against his ear again and made a face as the operator asked if the baby was crowning. "How am I suppose to know?" His eyes widened as the operator asked for him to check, oh fuck no was he going to even look up that devils hole. "You want me to what now?-" his face filled with grimace as the operator gave instructions on how to check for the baby's head. "That's not happening!" He scoffed, fuck no that is not his job.

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