Chapter 27.

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Slowly awakening to his husband straddled above him with a widened grin, oh how they needed these couple of nights away together. It had been a while since waking up without stressing about work, or ensuring their son was up ready for school. He returned the smile to Goku who leaned in brushing his lips sensually against his earlobe. Warm breath prickling his skin causing the hairs on the back of his neck to raise.

"Morning handsome," he purred into Vegeta's ear whilst planting rough kisses down the side of his neck.

"What are you after?" he chuckled whilst resting his hands on the back of Goku's head, enjoying the rough kisses.

"Just my sexy husband-"he kissed his husbands soft warm cheek. "Naked-"he continued whilst trailing his kisses along Vegeta's jaw line. "In bed."

"Which I already am," he arched his brow smirking up at him.

"Mm," he smiled seductively and buried his face between his husbands neck and shoulder. Inhaling his morning musky scent, arousing him more.

"Kakarot, we are going out for a couple of hours, we can fuck after," he chuckled feeling his husbands warm breath tickling the sensitive area of his neck.

"Oh good, because I really enjoyed last night," he chirped slowly leaning off Vegeta with a lopsided grin.

"Want to do that again?" He raised his brows at Goku, slowly pulling himself to sit up as Goku climbed off him and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Maybe," Goku smiled as his face started to go crimson.

"I have another toy for you to try out later," he winked and swung his legs out of bed. As tempting as it was to stay in the hotel room for mindless fucking and watching his husband get off over a sex toy. He wanted to go out for a bit, so his husband would simply have to be patient.

Goku smiled whilst slowly licking his bottom lip, he wasn't sure what wonderful toy Vegeta had bought for him. But he could already feel himself harden slightly in excitement. "You are spoiling me."

"Well it is almost your birthday," he stepped out of bed and started to stroll past him. He felt a smack across his backside, and smirked at his husband who wolf whistled at him as he ambled into the bathroom. Another bonus of sleeping naked, exciting his husband every morning with his glorious body.

Goku chewed on his bottom lip, his heart quivering watching Vegeta from behind walk into the bathroom. Oh how he was tempted to tongue fuck his husbands fabulous backside. He checked his phone for any messages, usually his father would send him little updates of what he and Gohan got up to. He chuckled seeing Bardock had sent him a selfie with Gohan holding a can of beer. He knew his father wouldn't really allow his and Vegeta's son to drink beer, his father just enjoyed winding Vegeta up. After looking at the text, he took a long stretch walking towards the bathroom he heard a long stream of water hitting inside the toilet bowl. He raised his brows in astonishment watching his husband stood taking a long piss, it was if he had turned into some water feature by how much he was emptying.

"Wow that's a lot of piss," Goku said in utter amazement before he started brushing his teeth.

"Well, I did drink a lot of champagne last night." Vegeta shook off the last bit of dribble. He stepped in Goku's way after flushing the toilet to wash his hands. A perfectly normal time spent in the bathroom as a long term couple. Only thing Vegeta hated was whenever he was having a bath at home Goku seemed to of timed it right to rush to the toilet for a shit, just as he started to relax in the bath. Ruining that perfect relaxing time thanks to putrid smells.

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