Chapter 1

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Goku sighed staring at the child lock on the cupboard door. He knew it was a tad excessive, just trying to convince his husband that- was a never ending battle. Besides, he learned if he disagreed with Vegeta's parenting method, there was a high risk he wouldn't get any sex. Like hell was he going to risk something like that over idiotic child locks.

Gohan stumbled into the kitchen seeing his father staring hopelessly at the locks. "You really don't need the child locks," he opened the cupboard door pulling out one of the cereal boxes that was labelled with his name. Vegeta was strict on what Gohan could and couldn't eat, unbeknownst to him Goku would usually allow Gohan to have snacks behind Vegeta's back.

"I've tried to argue with your dad about this, but uh...well you know what he's like," he chuckled and cussed as he closed the cupboard door behind Gohan. Guess he won't be having cereal himself, toast it is.

Seeing his father sulking to himself as he lost another battle to the child lock, he let out a puff of air and cupped his hands together. "Want me to open the cupboard door for you?"

"Oh no, I was wanting toast anyway," he lied. He found it embarrassing that he still couldn't work out the child lock.

"Okay, if you are sure," Gohan shrugged as started to pour his cereal into a bowl.

Vegeta walked into the kitchen with a stretch, after a refreshing shower. He noticed Gohan pouring his own cereal that flooded his system in panic parent mode. "Just what do you think you are doing?!" He snapped and quickly grabbed the box of cereal from Gohan. He glared over at Goku who was spreading peanut butter on toast.

"I'm ten," Gohan huffed watching as Vegeta frantically poured the milk on his cereal for him.

"Yes Gohan, you are ten and not old enough to be making your breakfast." Vegeta looked over at Goku in annoyance, it didn't help that Goku was just casually eating his toast not seeing what the big deal was.  "Kakarot, why did you allow him to make his own breakfast?"

"Sorry, I thought it was okay?" Goku gulped as Vegeta was now stood toe to toe with him with a scowl. Oh fuck, he may just lose whatever chance they had for sex later.

"He could of made a mess!"

"Then...we could clean it up?"

Vegeta took a few deep breaths, he smiled back at his naive husband and took a step back. "Just-" he looked back at Gohan who was raising his brows over at the two. "Just, don't let it happen again okay?"  The corner of his lips curled slightly as he tried to remain calm, knowing he was probably over reacting over the situation. Would he confess to over reacting? Fuck no!

Goku exchanged looks with Gohan, they both knew it was best to not argue further. Both reasoning being different, for Gohan it was because Vegeta would go on and on about child safety, and that he knows better.  Whereas Goku's reasoning was just too good to risk losing.

Vegeta calmly walked towards to cupboard to place the cereal back. He paused planing how he was going to open the cupboard door with no problems. Knowing the other two were watching him, he composed himself and stood with a smug look. Yeah this will be easy, he's got this, just got to open it like normal and...."god fucking dammit! Why won't this bastard thing open when I want it too? The fucking thing is clearly fucking broken.Open you piece of fucking shit!" He was pulling and kicking the cupboard, his face all flushed, beads of sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Babe, language!" Goku gasped whilst Gohan simply covered his ears, he was used to his fathers rampage.

Vegeta paused catching his breath, he slowly turned around,and smiled over at his son. Gohan looked back at him still covering his ears, he wasn't sure if it was safe to uncover his ears just yet. Vegeta looked over at Goku who tutted at him, who's he to judge anyways? "Do you mind helping me?" He asked through his clenched teeth.

"Uh...I struggle too..." Goku finished the last piece of toast.

"Just...try for me!"

Goku nodded his head and smiled sweetly, he knew if he listened to his husband, he would be rewarded with such wonderful pleasurable blow job. Most people would have their other half's wrapped round their finger, in this instance it was his husbands mouth wrapped round his cock. It was like some power that Vegeta held over him, blow jobs became sacred in the house for they weren't given that often,with juggling between work and parenting , it was hard to find that time. He mentally prepared himself to open the bastard childproof lock, he cracked his knuckles and had Vegeta step aside. This point Gohan had finished his cereal and chose to watch for his own amusement. Now with an audience and his blowjob on the line, the pressure was really on. He pulled at the cupboard door and laughed a little as it didn't budge. He inhaled deeply before trying again. Seeing Vegeta looking unamused by his failing attempts, worried him, damn, how he wanted his cock sucked. After a few more attempts he started to lose his temper. "Oh you mother fucking bastard of a fucking lock!!!!"

"Now babe, language," Vegeta said mockingly.

Gohan rolled his eyes watching as his parents started to get agitated by the lock. He casually stepped between them and opened the cupboard door, he looked up at them both who were looking down at him in amazement at just how easy he had opened it. "Can I go to school now?"

Goku looked at Vegeta, they both laughed a little out of embarrassment.  Gohan shook his head and walked out the kitchen to grab his school bag. Goku smiled watching Vegeta place cereal back in the cupboard and slam the door shut.

"So Um, any chance for a blow job later?" He smiled nervously as Vegeta looked back at him furrowing his brows.

"Oh of course sweet heart."


"No!" Vegeta folded his arms. "You want a blowjob so badly, you learn how to open that bastard door!"

Goku sulked and glared at the childlock, curse that cockblocking bitch of a lock! Curse it to hell!

"You know you were the one who wanted to place the locks -" he gulped seeing Vegeta's glare, he really didn't want to risk his chances of a blowjob any further. "Okay, I'll learn how to open the locks."

"Good," Vegeta grinned and walked out the kitchen. Oh how it was difficult to deny to suck that glorious cock. However, if his husband could control him with his adorable puppy dog eyes, then it was only fair for him to control him by the power of his mouth.

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