Chapter 20

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After spending the morning of his birthday having breakfast in bed and unwrapping his presents from his husband and son. He couldn't help but relay when Chichi asked Goku to rub her bump, and the way she smiled at him. That was the last straw for him, there was something that bitch was hiding. So- as he rested up the whole morning whilst his husband done the errands around the house, he had a flashback of the day they first met. At first he smiled, remembering finding out Goku's first name then...just then, he remembered he got it from a letter that was up in the kitchen. He had only made a quick glance at that letter, but it did look somewhat important. He sat up cupping his chin deep in thought, what if, just what if that letter had something related to her pregnancy. As crazy as it seemed, from the shit they been through, he wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it did. Quickly he jumped out of bed getting himself dressed before strolling into the living room, he licked his lip watching as his husband was bent over hoovering under the tv stand. Fuck he would never get enough of that ass, he shook his head to keep himself focus and unhooked the plug for the hoover to grab Goku's attention. He chuckled as Goku looked at the hoovers nozzle with great confusion as to why it had just stopped.

"Kakarot," he started to chuckle again watching as he had startled his husband, to the point he smacked his head on the tv stand.

"Shit," he rubbed his head and looked over at Vegeta. "You were suppose to be staying in bed a bit longer, especially after the hospital trip.."

"I-I'm fine," he coughed, like fuck was he - he swore his insides were going to combust at one point, as he still had some trapped wind from the procedure.

"Do you remember that letter that you had pinned up in Chichi's kitchen?"

"Huh, what letter and when?" He scrunched his brows as he slowly rose to his feet.

"So, when we first met there was a letter tha-"

"Ooh! That letter. Yeah that was for some sperm bank or something, all I remember was there was this pizza place just round the corner," he smiled widely at Vegeta's shocked expression.

"I'm sorry...what?!" Vegeta gave Goku a tight lipped smile, only now is he telling him this.

"Yeah, the place does do some really good pizza's actually, we should go sometime," he raised a brow seeing his husbands teeth bared and clenching a fist. He cocked his head to the side scratching his head in confusion, "babe, what's wrong?"

"Never mind the pizza, where is the sperm bank?!" he said through his teeth, of course this kind of shit would happen to him.


"Because we are going there and we are going to get rid of the sperm you stored in there!" He gripped Goku by the collar of his top and marched them both towards the front door. Fuck that bitch and her fucking craftiness, fuck her to hell!

"Um, I mean I can only remember where the pizza place is so-"

"That's fine!" he cut in handing Goku the keys before opening the front door hinting for him to walk out.

Goku frowned and glanced at the time, he looked back at Vegeta nervously who was tapping his foot impatiently at him."Vegeta, do we really need to go right now?"

"Yes! Like fuck is that woman going to carry any more of your children!"

Goku froze for a second and knitted his brows together. "Wait...what? She hasn't carried any of ...shit, you don't think?" his mouth gaped as he looked at Vegeta in horror.

"Oh, that I do think! And it would be very typical of her too knowing it would rile me up!"

The pair rushed to the car whilst Goku quickly dropped a text to his dad asking him to pick up their son. This was an emergency that they were not willing to wait around for. In the car Vegeta drummed his fingers on his lap scowling to himself.

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