Chapter 43

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On returning home from their vacation, they made their way to collect Goten as it was their turn to have him. Gohan waited in the car reading his comic, whilst his parents approached outside ChiChi's.

"Okay, what are you not going to do?" Goku raised his brows at his husband who started to mutter under his breath. All Vegeta done during their car journey to Chichi's was complain about the outfits she dressed Goten in. The last thing Goku wanted, was to be stood between his husband and ex bickering over baby clothes. Goku sighed seeing Vegeta crossing his arms and scowling at the front door, "Vegeta, please don't say anything, I really don't wanna he stood here for hours as you two go into a debate."

"It's fine babe, I'll be taking our sons shopping with me whilst you're at work," he smiled lovingly at his husband and pressed the doorbell.

"Oh, shopping for what?"

Soon as Vegeta was about to respond, the door opened with Tarble holding out Goten for them. The couple exchanged a look before looking back at Tarble who looked half awake.

"Hey," Tarble said mid yawn, and gave a half smile.

Goku raised his brows studying Tarble who looked close to falling asleep on the spot, swaying back and forth on the spot rubbing his half lidded eyes glancing back at Goku. "Wow, you look like you haven't slept."

"He's teething, good luck both," he groaned and handed his brother Goten alongside the changing bag.

"I'm sure he'll be fine, he always settles for me anyway," Vegeta smirked glancing down at the smiling baby in his arms. Fuck yeah, no way were they going to have problems with this teething malarkey. Vegeta handed his husband the changing bag and made his way towards the car whilst fussing over their son.

"Oh Uh...Goku, mind if I Uh ask you something?" Tarble's mouth twitched with nervous smile.

"Sure," he shrugged and made a quick glance towards his husband who was cussing at the child seat.

"You know when you and Chichi were together, did she ask you to like spank her hard during...stuff?" he face started to heat up causing him to tug on the collar of his oversized top.

Goku blinked with his mouth slightly ajar at such question, "Why are you asking?"

"I don't like doing it, and she gets mad as I keep apologising each time I do it, like I feel bad if I hurt her and then she goes really mad lecturing me telling me to not be afraid to go rough. And's difficult to keep a hard on when she does that," he frowned at Goku, who's eyes started to water as he pressed his lips together to suppress a laugh whilst doing his best to pull a vacant look."It's not funny," he sighed as Goku snickered avoiding his glance.

"Sorry," he pressed his lips brushing a stray tear away.

"Well, did she?" he knitted his brows tilting his head to the side, unaware Chichi had approached him from behind pressing her hands against her hips.

"Yeah,"he cleared his throat whilst glancing back at Chichi then back at Tarble, like hell was he wanting to get involved in this kind of conversation.  "It was nice talking to you and all, but I've got work to go to shortly, bye," he smiled at the two before rushing off towards the car.


"What was my brother wanting?" Vegeta arched his brow at Goku.

Goku glanced over his shoulder seeing Gohan preoccupied in his comic, he changed his glance over to Vegeta, "He asked- ... I can't," he started to laugh.

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