Chapter 38

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Firstly, I apologise this may not be as funny, and is badly written. Kinda hard to concentrate when struggling to breath...

I know...

I should rest, bad me.

Gohan sighed looking over at his dad from across the table. Whenever they made eye contact, his dad would smile nervously and glance down at his toast. Oh he knew full well that Gohan had been sent that disturbing video from last night. His dad tried his best to act as normal as he could, especially when he was making their breakfast with Gohan watching him with a slight scowl. "So-we going to talk about that message you sent me?"

Goku dropped his slice of toast on the plate, he gulped staring back at Gohan with widened eyes, "Don't watch it!!" He shrieked with a nervous bead of sweat forming above his brows.

"I deleted it, I already heard the live show, I don't need to see it either," his face contorted into grimace, his parents aren't exactly quiet, particularly his father.

"Gohan, we are so sorry. I wasn't meant to send that to everyone," he furrowed his brows as his cheeks started to glow red, his phone was still being bombarded with a lot of angry and disgusted texts.

Gohan's mouth gaped, he assumed it was just him who was unfortunate to receive such disturbing video. "Oh god...who are the other victims?"

Goku let out a small titter, and started to look around the room. How was he going to break it to his son,that his teacher may of watched his parents homemade sex tape meant for his grandmother. This was really a fucked up situation indeed.

Vegeta strolled past the two humming to himself, he had heard part of the conversation and could only guess it was in relation to the video. He sighed and turned to face his inquisitive and yet horrified son,
"It doesn't matter, your dad and I will be sorting it. Just know that your dad and I love each other very much."

"I know," Gohan sighed, sometimes they loved each other a little too much. For instance, once they had a late dinner for his dad showered his father with some compliments. The next thing he could hear was his father chanting his dads name as well as praising the gods for magnificent sex- all whilst cooking dinner of course.

"Good, now hurry up and finish your breakfast so we can get you in school on time," Vegeta smiled and strolled into the kitchen.

"Well, least he's in a happier mood,"Gohan admitted, he was used to his father being in a more grumpy mood in the mornings, to the point he knew not to approach him till he had his coffee. He was about to take a bite of his toast till realisation had hit him, he blinked in astonishment and looked directly at his dad who was smiling awkwardly at him. "Oh god, you had morning sex didn't you?" he was actually a little surprised he hadn't heard them, considering how loud they usually are.

Goku gulped and could only look back at his son with an awkward stare.

Vegeta strolled back in with a jug of orange juice. Oblivious to what had just been asked, or the fact his husband had nervous bead of sweat whilst looking awkwardly at their son. Vegeta leaned in refilling his husbands glass with orange juice, he grinned leaning into his husbands ear and whispered  "thanks for the wake up call," he chuckled and nibbled on Goku's ear.

Gohan pulled a face watching his father sit on his dads lap whispering what he could only guess something lewd into his dads ear. "Gross," he pushed his plate aside, as his appetite had vanished.

After the awkward breakfast, Vegeta dropped Gohan off in school then hurried back home before his husband had to leave for work. He strolled in and smirked watching Goku adjusting his top. "Hm, think you got enough time for a quick blow job before work?" his smirk widened at such suggestion, not even a drop of alcohol and he was already thinking of sucking his husbands cock. Fuck did he still feel horny from witnessing his husbands rage the night before.

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