Chapter 45

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After the groups short lived fix, they all sat on the cold floor staring blankly at the empty wrappers strewn around them. They gave up trying to work out how many they had between them. Bardock clapped his hands together that awoken the group from their dazed state.

"Alright, time to pull out the family photo album," Bardock rubbed his hands together with a smirk. His smirk widened at his sons look of panic, whilst the rest of the group looked rather intrigued.

Vegeta raised a brow, no doubt this particular album wasn't going to be any normal type of family album, "Why have you brought a photo album with you?"

"Well, these two have embarrassed me and Gine during their teen years, and what best way to get my revenge than to share everyone their embarrassing moments."

"!" Goku whined and lunged forward with his brother to stop their father.

Bardock stepped aside with the album tucked under his arm, he chuckled at his sons who fell on the floor next to him. "You two will never learn," he shook his head at the two.

"I'm sure the photo's aren't that bad guys," Krillin smiled reassuringly at the two brothers who both shared the same worried look.

Vegeta smirked, obviously these photos had to be bad if it caused his husband and brother in law to react like that. He raised his brows at the two as he strolled past them to view the photos Bardock had of them. From the stories he had heard, these photos were certainly going to be rather interesting.

"Vegeta, don't," Goku frowned at his husband who now had his back faced towards him, he helped his brother up and rushed towards everyone who were now crowded around his father.

"Why is uncle Raditz wearing a dress?" Gohan scrunched his brows studying the photo of his uncle stood on a stage with a pink dress on.

Tarble nudged his brother who started to snicker next to him, although he did find it a little funny himself he could tell how uncomfortable Raditz was getting as there were a couple more photos of him in the dress.

"Raditz starred as Rapunzel at his school play since he had long hair and could fit into the dress, he actually kept the dress and has worn it a handful of times at home." Bardock smiled at the photos, "he cried when Gine tried to get him out the dress afterwards, he still has the dress hung up in his wardrobe."

"Dad!" Raditz shrieked.

"I remember catching him spinning around in his room wearing that dress," Goku chuckled ignoring his brothers glare.

"Don't know what you're laughing at son?" Bardock raised his brow at his youngest and flipped the page of the album. He grinned seeing the sheer look of horror etched on Goku's face as the next photo was of him with his cock stuck inside a garden hose.

"oh my god dad," Gohan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Vegeta narrowed his eyes on the picture before he gave his husband a bewildered look, "Dare I even ask?"

"um.." Goku cleared his throat as he felt his face heat up, "dad, why did you keep that photo?" he frowned at his dad.

"Because son, we were all amazed how you even managed that," Bardock shook his head and chuckled.

The group sat together laughing at further embarrassing photos of the pair whilst Bardock shared some more funny stories. Vegeta was glad he agreed on this guy night out now, minus the awkward encounter with his sons school counsellor. Fuck, they actually forgot about him, he's probably left the store without them noticing...well at least Vegeta hoped.


After the entertaining hour of looking at the photos, the group split up to stroll around the store, curious to know what else was left behind that could no longer be found elsewhere. Raditz had checked the cash register and was left disappointed to see only cobwebs. Bardock found some corona beers and helped himself to them, Gohan sneaked some candy into his pockets whilst he kept a look out for his father. The rest met up by the dance revolution game, Krillin rubbed his hands together and stepped onto the dance mat. Krillin felt smug as he picked one of the harder levels, he tried his best to keep up and failed miserably. He glared at Vegeta who laughed, whilst Tarble and Goku gave him praises at the fact he had tried. The more Vegeta laughed at him, the more annoyed he got. Krillin stepped off the mat, "You think you can do better?" he gestured for Vegeta to have a turn.

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