Chapter 37 - updated

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Vegeta sat steepling his fingers, recalling that incident when Gine lost her temper in the store. He was rather curious to know if his darling husband had the same temper as his mother in law, after all he did get his high sex drive from her. These thoughts only came to mind as he remembered the trip to the fun fair, where Gohan mentioned how Goku had lost his temper before during traffic. There was nothing more arousing, than witnessing his husband losing his temper. However, Goku hardly lost his temper, much to Vegeta's displeasure. So he decided to put some things to the test on what would set his husband off in rage. For his kink purpose of course, because damn does he get a raging boner seeing his man getting all mad.

First day he tried to hide the last chocolate bar in the house, curious to know if that would anger his husband. Unfortunately, this didn't work for Goku just shrugged it off and carried on the rest of the day.

The second day, Vegeta was feeling so delightfully devilish as he tied cable ties around the cookie jar. He awaited for his husband to return home from work to help himself to a small treat. What he didn't expect was for Goku to throw the jar against the wall, this pissed Vegeta off more than his husband for he did not clean up after himself.

The third day Vegeta accidentally on purpose smashed Goku's favourite coffee mug, he spent two hours consoling his husband. This was not the outcome he was hoping for, he made note to not break any of his husbands stuff for he ends up in a blubbering mess.

The fourth day he decided to hide all of Goku's underwear. He did not expect his husband to enjoy the breeze.

The fifth day he decided to have a shit whilst Goku was in the bath, yeah how does he like it? - Unfortunately, Goku just started having a conversation with him that somehow ended up with him giving him a handjob in the bathtub.

The sixth day he was close to calling it quits, then he recalled that day where Goku was very close to losing his temper with his mother. A mischievous glint formed in his eye giving him hope as he started to look through his blocked numbers on his phone. He grinned wickedly as he pressed his phone against his ear, waiting for his mother to answer the phone. As she answered, he cleared his throat and said the following,
"Mother, I think me and my husband are ready to hear what you have to say," his grin grew wider hearing her say how she would be coming right over. What a fucking genius.

An hour later, Planta strolled into the house as Vegeta had allowed her in. He smirked following her into the living room, where his unsuspected husband was sat with their son.

Goku furrowed his brows at her then glanced at Vegeta, "What is she doing here?"

Gohan quickly excuses himself, not wanting to be in the same room as that bitch.

Planta scoffed at Gohan leaving the room, she glared directly at Goku. "See, he is just ashamed as I am here to speak the truth about the harm caused by your homosexuality!"

Goku's nostrils flared as he glared directly at her, "excuse me?!"

Vegeta bit his lip, trying to hide his smirk seeing how agitated his husband was getting.

"You should be excused, your homosexuality is damaging that boy," she tsked shaking her head in shame at him.

Goku clenched his fist, and rose from the chair. Vegeta stood back, not wanting to hold his husband back from his rage.

"I think your parents should be ashamed of you!" She snarled whilst clenching a bible.

Vegeta could see the steam coming out of his husbands ears, oh she's gone and done it now.

Goku clenched his teeth and slowly approached her, "I think it's time you leave," he crossed his arms.

"Who's going to make me?" She stuck her nose up at him.

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