Chapter 17

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Arriving back home after his first day back at work, Vegeta strolled into the living room seeing Goku playing a game on his phone, the living room was more silent than usual. He looked around furrowing his brows, not liking how calm everything seemed. "Where's Gohan?"

"He's playing some toys with his friend in his bedroom," Goku shrugged whilst poking his tongue out in concentration on some game he was playing.

"What?!" Vegeta's eyes widened in horror, what if the kids went into their certain drawer, Goku didn't seem to be paying much attention to even notice if the kids had been in their room or not. He rushed to Gohan's room and quickly kicked the door open, Gohan and his friend looked up. Gohan's friend froze whereas Gohan simply sighed, he was used to his dads random panic modes.  "oh, you're playing with those toys," he pointed at the hot wheels collection he wasn't keen on Gohan having. But after debate with his husband he had deemed them safer than Lego.

"Hi dad," Gohan smiled over at his dad who was starting to calm himself down, after getting himself so worked up.

"Do you two want any fruit to snack on?" Vegeta looked at them both with a slight smile, thank fuck he didn't walk in on them using sex toys as some weapon of some sort. For whatever reason, that was precisely the mental image he had that caused him to panic in the first place.

"Oh I don't like fruit, my mother always gives me cookies as snacks, you gots any of them?" Gohan's friend smiled so innocently up at Vegeta.

Vegeta gave a tight lipped smile, as Gohan looked in horror unsure how his father was going to react. Gohan gulped as he saw his fathers eyebrow twitch,he forgot to mention to his friend how protective his other father is, and just how strict he is on what he can snack on.

"No, it's fruit or nothing," he gave the kid a clenched smile with a slight glare. Unbeknownst to the kid, he was having a mental image of throwing the bastard child out the window.

"Uhh..." the kid frowned noticing Vegeta's glare.

"It's okay dad, we'll wait till dinner time," Gohan smiled to try and break the awkward tension.

"Wise choice," he kept his glare on the child as he slowly walked out the room and closed the door. He huffed and stormed into the living room, the audacity of this kid expecting cookies, how dare they even request such a thing.

Goku glanced up at his husband who was stood in front of him with a pout. "You okay?"

"Well mentally I threw that kid out the window for asking for a cookie-"

"You gave him the death glare didn't you?" Goku cut in raising a brow at him, he fought back a laugh seeing a guilty look plaster his husbands face. "Well, that kid would of got it so lucky, if I asked for a treat you'd of thrown me on the bed," he smirked with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Is that a hint for something?" Vegeta straddled his husband and started to plant soft delicate kisses down his husbands neck.

"Maybe?" He tilted his head to the side, allowing more access for delicate kisses down his neck.

"Oh my god dads! Not when I have a friend over!" Gohan yelled from his room, causing the couple to pause and look towards the direction of Gohan's room.

"When Gohan is in bed, we can have our special hug," Vegeta chirped whilst grinding his hips against Goku's.

"I know what sex is!" Gohan wailed.

"When Gohan is asleep!" Vegeta yelled out, arching his brow awaiting for his sons response to that.

"Just...just don't wake me up this time!" He shouted with slight bit of grimace in his voice.

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