Chapter 50

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As the maniac continued to menacingly close in on the group holding the chainsaw in the air. The group all stood paralyzed with fear, unable to command their legs to run they simply accepted their fate. 

Raditz held onto Tarble and stared deeply into his eyes, "I have a confession to make Tarble-" he sighed, "I slept with Nappa."

Tarble smiled "I know, I too have a confession to make....I hated sex with Chichi, it was the worse experience I've ever encountered."

"Dude, I already know that, everyone does."

The two laughed and gave each other a high five, least they were going out with a clear conscience.

Vegeta sighed and faced his darling husband, "Kakarot, I have a confession. I broke your favourite mug on purpose, cabled tied the cookie jar, hid all your underwear, and invited my mother to our house. I did all that just to get you mad so I could have angry sex."

Goku blinked in amazement at his husbands confession, "It's alright Vegeta, I have to confess something too," he tittered pointing his index fingers together.

"What is it?" he scowled at him, just what has his horny bastard got to confess?


Vegeta had bought a CD series of Heavy Metal music, Goku had a particular distaste for that kind of music. Full of screamy screamy mad people on the microphone, it annoyed him to no end. Vegeta would blast the music so everyone could hear it. Whenever Goku told Vegeta how much he hated the music, Vegeta would simply tell him to deal with it. One day while Vegeta was at work Goku stood glaring at the CD set. He got so angry that he started to get horny and started stroke his cock whilst glaring at the CD. Panic set in when he came all over the CD set case, he ran off to get a cleaner and rag to clean the mess. He sprayed the cleaner unaware that it was gasoline all over the case, and started to vigorously scrub the case with the rag. He continued to scrub hard to the point it generated a static shock and lit the gasoline on fire. The CD case caught fire, in that precise moment Bardock opened the door with Gohan after picking him up from school. Bardock and Gohan seen what was lit up in flames and sighed in relief.

"Son, you finally burned that god awful album," Bardock applauded.

Gohan nodded in agreement with a smile, the amount of times he had heard that CD and its obnoxious songs he'd rather walk in on is parents in the act, than to listen to that CD again. 

Bardock picked up the album on the non flammable part and took it out the back, he threw it into the fire pit and dusted his hands. He glanced back at his son and grandson's shocked expression and grinned, "well, want to throw a whole bunch of Vegeta's stuff in here and dance around the fire?"

Gohan and his dad looked at each other then back at Bardock with a mischievous grin. They ran into the house grabbing some of Vegeta's stuff and threw them into the fire, before dancing along the pit with Bardock.


Vegeta gave his husband a tight lipped smile, "You absolute bastard!... that was my favourite limited edition album and all that other stuff- that's it, I'm going to kill you before this guy does!" he started to throttle him whilst shouting out all sorts of colourful language.

They heard the revving again, the killer was approaching them even closer. Vegeta kept throttling Goku despite this, no way was the killer getting the pleasure of murdering his husband not after hearing such confession. The were all disturbed by a flash of light followed by music. They all turned towards the source of the music with perplexed expression. They saw the car come back with Bardock on top of it shirtless with his leather jacket, with sunglasses on and holding a microphone he began to sing:

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