Chapter 60

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"Vegeta, what are you doing?" Tarble asked as he watched his brother pick up a rock from the lawn.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going to smash that window, so we can climb inside." he tsked at his brother, good thing he agreed to help Tarble for he clearly wouldn't have thought this out as well as he had. Music was blaring from inside the house so no one would hear the window smashing. Fucking genius.

Tarble sighed and shook his head as he snatched the rock from his brother's hand, "you know she leaves the window unlocked, so we just pull the window open from the outside?"

"Where is the fun in that?" Vegeta pulled a face at him and crossed his arms.

"We don't want to get caught, we are just going to climb inside grab my stuff then go." Tarble frowned at his brother who picked up another rock.

Vegeta glanced at the window then back at his brother and  formerly back at the window again, he could feel his brothers' glances that left him feel some sort of conscience. That conscience induced him to groan and drop the rock on the floor, "Fine!" he scoffed at Tarble and stepped towards the kitchen window. Curse his brother, curse him for making him feel that peculiar guilt feeling — that stupid conscience that spoils all the imprudent fun. The audacity. Tarble smiled at him, the pompous asshole. They both grasped onto the window ledge and pulled themselves up to peep through the window. They could see Yamcha on the floor cradling a trash can... basically he discovered something he could relate to. Vegeta smirked and snickered to himself.

Tarble lifted an eyebrow at his brother snickering to himself and rolled his eyes knowing his brother was presumably laughing at his own thoughts which no doubt was something mean about their friend cradling the trash can. He elbowed his brother in the side, "I think it's clear," he whispered.

The two gently tugged and yanked the window open which almost knocked them backward off the windowsill, they gripped onto each other and found their balance before creeping inside. Soon as their feet landed on the kitchen tiles, they heard some grumbling from Yamcha, they both pivoted around to face him.

"Oh heeey," Yamcha beamed at the two.

Tarble gaped at him and froze on the spot as Yamcha kept his grin over at him and Vegeta.

"Go back to sleep you fool!" Vegeta hissed and dragged Tarble out the kitchen with him, no fucks given.

Tarble peered over his shoulder as he was being pulled away from the kitchen, he saw Yamcha shrug and scratch the side of his head, "we best hurry, I think he would mention us to her."

"Where is your stuff?" Vegeta asked whilst pulling his brother through a crowd of people, he kept an eye out for his ex because he just knew she would say probably call out his name and make a scene.

"In the storage room," Tarble pointed down the corridor, thankfully there were no signs of people around that area.


Whilst Vegeta and Tarble were breaking into ChiChi's home, Raditz was in Goku and Vegeta's kitchen stirring Mac and cheese. He recoiled when his brother appeared next to him without any damn warning and glanced down at the Mac and cheese with a contemplative look.

"What's the matter bro, don't you like Mac and cheese?" Raditz asked his bewildered brother.

"When you were stirring it, it sounded familiar to me." Goku responded maintaining his gaze on the Mac and cheese.

Raditz scrunched his brows up then looked down at the Mac and cheese then darted his eyes back on his brother, "what do you mean?"

"It sounded like when I had sex with Vegeta and I was moving my dick in and out of him," he openly admitted with not even the slightest sign of embarrassment.

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