Chapter 4

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It was Vegeta's day off from work, which worked perfectly for the couple as Vegeta could do the school run. What Goku didn't expect was to be called back into school during his afternoon shift, to collect his son...and husband. It was that moment he was so glad his father was his manager, and was excused to leave due to a family emergency. He wasn't sure what happened, but whatever it was, the headmaster sounded so pissed. Thoughts relayed on his mind what it could possibly be about, obviously part reason would be that Vegeta probably opened his mouth and upset either the parents or teachers. He wasn't sure how to behave at these situations, usually it was Vegeta who had everything under control. Strolling into the office, he smiled over at the headmaster his eyes trailed over to see Vegeta sat opposite the head master with Gohan next to him. His arms and legs crossed, whereas Gohan had his face buried in his hands. The headmaster coughed hinting for Goku to sit down on the empty seat in front. Goku quickly sat down and looked over at Vegeta who was avoiding eye contact, he was mostly scowling at some school group photos of smiling kids. Yep, Vegeta has done something, and this whole situation made Goku feel uneasy.

"So, would you like to explain to your husband why I called him in?" The headmaster cupped their hands together looking directly at Vegeta for a response.

Gohan sighed pulling his hands away from his face and gave Vegeta a nudge. "Dad, he's talking to you." He whispered.

Vegeta simply grunted and refused to look over, like fuck was he being treated like some child. He shall make a point by not responding, yeah, how does the headmaster like that?

Goku smiled nervously at the headmasters pissed off look. He leaned forward looking over at his husband who too looked pissed off. "Vegeta, just tell me?...please?.. because I'm really not liking this atmosphere."

"Me neither," Gohan frowned, he actually was feeling rather embarrassed by the whole ordeal.

"No," Vegeta huffed.

"Okay, why have I been called in?" Goku asked the headmaster directly, seeing as he wasn't going to get a response from his husband.

The headmaster sighed and leaned over the desk holding out his hand. "Mr.Brown," he introduced himself, Goku hesitantly shook Mr. brown's hand whilst looking over at Vegeta feeling a little lost with what was going on.  "So, the reason I called you in today is because your husband thought it was acceptable to pay a kid, to attack another one of the pupils in this school."

Goku furrowed his brows and leaned forward looking directly at Vegeta. "Why?"

Vegeta let out an exasperated sigh, he kept glaring at the school photo in front of him. Stupid over the top smiling bull fuckery.

Gohan nudged his father again, whilst looking down at the floor.

Vegeta rolled his eyes. "Because I can't exactly knock the shit into the kid myself, can I?"

"As you can see, your husband is showing no remorse for his actions." Mr Brown gave Vegeta look of disgust, whilst Gohan pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Well... what did that kid do to you Vegeta?" Goku just wasn't sure what else to say, or what the headmaster was expecting him to do.

"It doesn't matter what the kid did or didn't do, they are a minor and what your husband done was a appalling!"

"Well, did the kid attack the other pupil?"

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