Chapter 13

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A week since their family outing where Gohan praised the almighty headphone god, also known as Nathaniel Baldwin, for inventing such useful tool. That has no doubt helped many generations attempts to cancel out their parents having sex next door. Despite him explaining to his parents he hadn't really heard much thanks to his headphones, they kept reassuring him that what was said in the bedroom shouldn't be taken too literal; for they don't mean to call each other nor sound as harsh towards each other. Soon as he heard such over exaggerated filthy talk, he quickly grabbed his headphones, like fuck did he really need to know what they are about to do to each other, or hear their running commentary in the bedroom. Nope! Not today you randy animals, not today! Anyway, today was Goku's day off work, on collecting Gohan he was called into the office with Gohan who kept frowning at his father.

"We have called you in today to discuss a serious matter," the head master crossed his arms.

Goku squinted his face deep in thought, they hadn't been to any recent birthday parties, and far as he was aware Vegeta hadn't threatened nor bribed any kids. He couldn't think why he was called in with his son, unless it was about the whole leather pants incident for Vegeta had left a mess in the disabled toilets even leaving it locked which had caused an uproar. He sighed as he was all out of ideas what else it could possibly be. "What's the serious matter?"

"Your sons grades are slipping, one of his first projects he done he mentioned how his parents have a lot of sex and-"

"Why did you write that?!" Goku's eyes widened in horror looking at Gohan.

"Because the subject was about how you and your husband had met? I must say, it seems you two have quite an active life from what I've read," the head masters cheeks turned slight pink recalling what he had read. "However it was not appropriate, and we couldn't mark it."

"Uh, most of that my grandpa Bardock wrote for me," Gohan shrugged.

Goku pinched the bridge of his nose, whilst the head master simply coughed and looked at the recent notes.

"Also, the recent projects have all been marked pretty low, your son claims it wasn't him that wrote them." The headmaster raised a brow over at Goku who started to titter whilst looking around the room. "If we don't see any improvements, then I'm afraid his grades are going to drop more dramatically."

"Okay, um...we will make sure that they start picking up again. Everything said in this room stays between us-right?" Goku smiled nervously, the last thing he needed was Vegeta to find out otherwise a pandemonium would break lose.

"If you are meaning we won't tell your husband, I'm afraid he has already been called and we have explained it to him over the phone too."

Goku gulped whilst exchanging looks with Gohan, he quickly leaped from the seat grabbing Gohan by the hand. "Before we go now, how long ago did you call him?"

The head master furrowed his brows then quickly glanced at the clock. "I'd say about ten minutes ago," he looked back at the nervous expression on Goku's face.

Goku held his breath glancing at the clock, before looking back at Gohan who had a confused expression. Slowly he exhaled whilst rushing Gohan out the office. "Okay, so we've got about fifteen minutes give or take to hide," he chewed on his nail as they rushed towards the car.

Gohan raised a brow whilst cocking his head to the side. "Why don't we hide at grandpa Bardock's house?"

"Because your grandmother would take your dads side and won't let us hide-trust me, happened before with my dad. I think we actually hid out in his car in a neighbours garden..."  fuck was that a day, the neighbour was not impressed with the tread marks on their lawn. They didn't find the neighbour near as intimidating as their pissed off mother. Even when the police were called they were more willing to spend the night in prison, than feel the wraith from her.

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