Chapter 21

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Week since the cum dump party, the two were back to the usual routine acting as if the whole ordeal never happened. However, Vegeta was still suffering with mild ptsd,whenever he got some cum on him he'd freak and rush to the shower recalling that full on body and facial fiasco at the sperm bank.

"Could you sort out that pile of washing for me?" Vegeta asked Goku whilst sorting out Gohan's bag ready for school the following day.

Goku glanced at the pile of washing on the armchair, he let out a groan whilst rubbing the back of his head. "Uh I'll -"

"Don't you dare say you'll do it later because you and I both know that never happens!" He quirked his brow at his tittering husband. As much as he loves his husband, there were moments he'd happily strangle the bastard.

"I was going to say I'll do it now," he smiled as he rose from the sofa to start folding the washing.

"It better be done when I'm finished helping our son with his homework."

"Hey I could help with his homework," he chirped, perhaps that way he could get out of doing the mundane chore.

"It was you who caused him to have low marks in the first place!" he scoffed at him crossing his arms and shaking his head.

Goku let out a sigh and glanced back at the washing. "Damn, guess I will be sorting the washing then." He started to fold the washing awaiting for Vegeta to leave the room to help Gohan with his homework.  He waiting a few minutes ensuring his husband had left the area for good, before sitting down and putting on the tv. He will sort the washing, just after some tv of course, Vegeta won't even notice as he'll have it done on time...fucking genius.

Half hour passed, Goku was leaned back engrossed on the telly.

"Kakarot, have you sorted the washing yet?!" Vegeta called out from upstairs, causing Goku to snap his eyes wide open at the washing.

"I'm doing it now babe!" He called out with a nervous chuckle.

"Thank you, I do appreciate it!" Vegeta called down cheerfully.

Goku gulped staring at the unfolded clothes. "Uh...yeah, no problem babe..." he scratched his head at how much he had to fold. "Shit," he muttered under his breath. Hearing Vegeta making his way down the stairs, his breathing went rapid with nervous beads of sweat forming above his brow. "He's going to kill me," he whined under his breath. Quickly, he done the only logical solution and grabbed the washing throwing it out the window.

Unaware of what his husband had just done, Vegeta ambled in the room with a smile. "How are you doing with the washing?"

"Uhhh we may need to rewash them," Goku started to titter as the colour started to drain from his face.

"Why?" he furrowed his brows at his husbands worried look.

"They are outside," he pointed his index fingers together avoiding his husbands glance of confusion.

Vegeta storms past Goku and glances out the window, his mouth gaped seeing the pile strewn all over the garden. "How the fuck did they all get out there?!"

"The raccoon came in and-"

"Say no more," Vegeta clenched his jaw and stormed out the room. He then marched out the room with a paintball gun.

Goku looked out the window seeing the raccoon looking back at him with a surprised look. "Sorry Leon," he smiled awkwardly watching as Vegeta headed into the garden giving the raccoon a death glare.

The doorbell went whilst Vegeta was still preoccupied with chasing after the raccoon. Goku rolled his eyes and smiled over at his son who was now stood behind him raising a brow. Yeah, he probably knew it wasn't the raccoon who threw the clothes outside. He handed Gohan the remote to watch something on tv before rushing to the front door to answer. Slowly he opened the door and gasped seeing his brother the other side.

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