Chapter 2

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The weather was pretty miserable outside, so the family chose to spend the weekend relaxing at home. Since their son was up to date with his homework, they allowed him to watch some cartoons. Vegeta was sat doing crosswords, whilst Goku was engrossed on the tv with Gohan. Just a normal family moment in the living room. Vegeta wasn't sure what it was his husband and son were watching; but he could hear some innuendos that didn't sit right with him. He glanced at the tv seeing it was some kids cartoon, he shrugged it off at first assuming he was just hearing things. Then more innuendos were made, of course they probably went over Gohan's head. These crafty programmes found ways to entertain even the parents, who may be stuck watching it with their children. Vegeta placed his crossword aside, and grabbed the tv remote, frantically changing through channels till he found a more suited programme for his son.

Gohan frowned seeing his dad had put Barney the  dinosaur on. "Dad, I'm ten, this is for babies!"

"No, it's a little more appropriate for your age. You don't need your mind being warped with some adultery."

"What?" Gohan scrunched his nose up at this. He loved his parents, he really did, he could forgive the fact this is their first time being parents. What he couldn't forgive, was his dad being too over protective not realising that ten year olds particularly him, know a lot more than his dad would like to accept. "Can you at least put something else on than this stupid baby programme?!"

Vegeta clicked his tongue, he looked at his son who had a pout on. Fine, the spoilt little shit. He put on some tedious educational programme, knowing that would interest his son, he had to watch a little bit of it first before being content of it being appropriate for his son. It was just some boring guy narrating about coastlines, and it's history, however he could see Gohan engrossed on the tv with a glint in his eye; so chose to leave it on. Back to his crossword, he must of spent a good five minutes till he could hear some crunching next to him. He furrowed his brows, and glanced over the puzzle book seeing his son with a bowl of popcorn. Oh fuck no, this almost gave him a mini heart failure. He threw the book aside and snatched the popcorn off Gohan.

"No you can't have popcorn, you could choke!"

"Dad said it was okay," Gohan sighed leaning back folding his arms.

Vegeta gritted his teeth, how careless could his husband get? This wasn't the first time Goku had been so relaxed, allowing Gohan to have certain snacks in the house.  "Oh did he now?!"  He stormed out the living room with the bowl of popcorn. He watched as his husband was casually washing some dishes, nah, too late trying to win points for a blowjob now. Vegeta slammed the bowl next to Goku, causing him to jump and look at the bowl before back at Vegeta. "Care to explain?!"

Goku gulped seeing how pissed off his husband looked. " could punish me in the bedroom?" He smiled innocently holding his hands out against his chest, small bead of sweat forming side of his head.

Vegeta paused for a second, it's been a few days since they've had a good sex session. He pursed his lips, and quickly sliced some apples putting them in a plastic bowl. He gave Goku a seductive look, the kind Goku knew all too well, Goku quickly rushed to their bedroom. Composing himself, he strolled back into the living room handing Gohan a bowl of slice apples. Because clearly, that's less of a choking hazard than popcorn. "Right, your father and I are having a quick word in the bedroom. Just watch your programme, we shouldn't be long,"  he ruffled Gohan's hair, trying his best not to run and skip in excitement.

Gohan sighed, watching Vegeta set up the baby monitor then rush into the kitchen briefly before sprinting to the bedroom. He adjusted the volume up on the tv, and started to snack on the sliced apples.

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