Hide and seek (Belphegor x reader)

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"We should do something fun. Just the 8 of us!" Mammon suggested.

Today was Beel and Belphie's birthday, and the other guests just went back to their respective houses.

"For once I agree with you Mammon." Satan smiled.

"How about a human game~?" Asmo says.

"Sounds boring..." Belphie mumbled.

"Gee, thanks a lot." I say with a teasing tone.

"Oh. You're not boring Y/N." He smiled.

"Y/N, do you have any suggestions?" Lucifer looked to me.

"Well, this manor is huge, and there's a lot of potential hiding places."

"How about hide and seek?" I looked around at everyone.

"If Y/N wants to play it, then so do I." Beel says as he stuffed a piece of cake in his mouth.

"Alright. It's settled then. How do we play?" Lucifer asks.

So I spent the next few minutes explaining how hide and seek works. They all seemed interested by the time I finished explaining.

"Alright then. Who wants to be the seeker?" I asked the brothers.

"I will be the seeker." Lucifer raised his hand.

"Now Lucifer, close your eyes and count to 100 somewhat slowly so we have a chance to hide somewhere.

As for the rest of you, remember that if you are found you also become a seeker. The last person to be found is the winner." I added on.

I remember when I was younger and I played this with the other kids. Some of them would find me super fast.

"Alright." He began counting, and we all ran out of the common room.

"Shoot. I didn't really think of a hiding spot! There are so many rooms in this manor, and I only have about a minute and a half to hide..."

I took notice of what directions the brothers ran in. If I were to get found early on it would be very helpful to know the general area they went in.

"Where to hide? It has to be a room that the brothers don't really in. But they live in this manor!

Well, there is upstairs....and only 2 of the brothers have really been up there. Screw it! It's better than nothing."

I made a dash for the stone stairs that lead to the room Belphie used to be locked in.

Logically speaking, the brothers besides Lucifer and Belphie weren't allowed up here.

Therefore, wouldn't think to come up here. Even if they're allowed to now, that mindset of not being allowed up here should still apply now.

"Why the hell am I get all psychological with a stupid game like hide and seek? Maybe that's just how my mind works."

When I finally made up the stairs I was trying to catch my breath. I opened the door and walked inside.

The room looks exactly like it did when I rescued Belphie

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The room looks exactly like it did when I rescued Belphie. It's like time hasn't moved for this room.

I took a seat on the bed, and took out my D.D.D to try and keep myself occupied.

I'm I'm sure how long I was there, but at some point I got bored with my phone.

I laid back on the bed and sighed. The bed was really soft and warm...

3rd POV

It's been about 25 minutes since the game began. Lucifer had found everyone but Belphie and Y/N.

"Where the hell are they?" Mammon groaned.

"Could they be possibly hiding together~? Oh how romantic." Asmo had a dreamy, far off look in his eyes.

"Wha?!" Mammon yelled.

"Found him." Beel walked in the common room with Belphie sleepily rubbing his eyes.

"Where was he?" Satan asks.

"He was in our room sleeping on his bed." Beel explained.

"How did we not find him earlier?" Mammon asked, but was ignored.

"Y/N's the only one left!" Asmo says.

"Let's split up to cover more ground." Lucifer states.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Mammon sighed.

So the brothers spread out through the house to try and find the human girl that was still hiding.

Belphie had other plans though. He didn't really want to play, and decided to find another place to take a nap.

Since he didn't want to be interrupted, Belphie decided that the best place to go was upstairs.

Even though that room reminded him of the past, he wasn't too bothered by it anymore.

So he went up the stairs. But he was met with an unexpected surprise. Y/N was fast asleep on the bed.

He got closer to the bed, and examined the girl. Her H/C hair was slightly messy. Most likely from shifting in her sleep.

He noticed that she was lightly holding onto her phone. So he set it aside on the little table in the room.

He could see goosebumps on her arms, which meant that she was cold. Seeing her sleeping made Belphie even more tired.

So he carefully got on the bed. However, the bed creaked and Y/N fluttered her eyes open.


I heard a creak nearby, and opened my eyes. Belphie was on the bed and was looking directly into my eyes.

"Sorry that I woke you up." He glanced away.

"It's fine. But why are you on the bed...?" I shivered.

"Because you looked cold, and I was going to warm you up..." He blushed, and so did I.

"I'll go then. You're probably still tired." He turned to leave, but I grabbed his hand.

"Can you stay Belphie? We can take a nap together." He silently nodded.

He laid down and pulled the blanket over the both of us. I inched closer to Belphie.

"So....do you love me?" He sudden question made me blush like crazy.

"W-What do you mean?" I stuttered.

"We're snuggling together, and you're blushing a lot." Belphie pointed out.

"D-Do....you love me?" I yawned.

"Of course." He smiled.

"I love you too..." I answered.

"Good. Now let's sleep." He pulled me closer, and I nuzzled his chest.

I felt him kiss the top of my head, and he pulled me closer.

3rd POV

Lucifer walked away from the door upstairs with a smirk on his face.

"Well it looks like our brother has won Y/N's heart. It wouldn't hurt to tell the others..." Lucifer made his way back to the common room.

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