Loss (Belphegor x reader)

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(This was requested by Lowkey-trashy. For a more dramatic effect, please play the song. This has become the longest one shot I've written so far.

F/N = Father's name
M/N = mother's name
G/N = Grandma's name
G/F/N = Grandma's full name

Belphie does act more serious in this one shot.)


"Hey Lucifer..." I walked over to his desk, and it seems he could already tell what I wanted to ask him. I've been asking the same thing every month for the past five months.

"Alright." He stood up, and opened a portal on the wall. We walked inside of it, and we ended up near a huge white building.

"Just give me a couple of hours. Thanks for always taking me here Lucifer." He simply nodded as he walked back into the portal, leaving me all alone.

I took out my phone, and tapped on my mom's contact. I pressed the call button, and waited for her to answer the phone. It rung a couple times before she picked up.

"Hey mom."

"Oh...hi honey."

"Is something wrong? You sound off."

There was an ominous silence, which only made me more nervous and a little scared.

My mom suddenly hung up the phone, and I hurried inside the building. I went over to the elevator, and pressed the button for the fourth floor. The elevator began moving, and I grabbed onto the metal bar inside to keep myself balanced from the shaking.

Once it opened on the fourth floor, I silently and slowly made my way down the hallway. I could feel a pit in my stomach, and almost felt sick as stood in front of the room I had been walking to.

A man in a white coat looked down at me, and for a split second I saw pity and sympathy in his eyes. He continued down the hallway I had just come from. I glanced at the nameplate before walking into the room.


My mother's eyes were a little red, and my dad was comforting her by wrapping his arms around her, and holding her close. The sound of familiar beeping filled my ears as I looked to the bed my parents were next to.

An old woman was laying there. My chest tightened a little bit as I looked at all of the things that were hooked up to her. It pained me to see her in a state like this. Her skin looked more pale than when I saw her last month.

She was looking at my parents with a sad smile on her face, but then she seemed to notice me peeking from behind the curtain. A bright smile appeared on her face.

"Y/N, I'm so happy to see you." My parents looked towards me as well, but they didn't say anything. I walked over to the side of the bed, and reached out for my grandmother's hand.

"Sorry I don't come as much as I should. Lucy is always busy, and can't bring me here all of the time." I chuckled softly. She shook her head, and squeezed my hand a little bit.

"Don't worry about it, dear. I'm glad you could come today. How has school been for you?" My grandma asked. I frowned a little bit. School didn't matter right now.

"It's been alright, but how are you feeling? It must be hard to be in bed for so long."

"It isn't that bad. Now that you and your parents are here, it's even better. You always brighten my day when you visit."

"So, why was the doctor in here?" I heard my mother's breath hitch for a second, and she looked up at my father, who gave her a simple nod.

"Well, he just came to tell us that grandma was doing a little worse than before, but there is a good chance that she'll get better."

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