Icy Descent pt 1 (Belphegor x reader)

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(This is for the 150k views. Fun fact: I've never been skiing. I'm not too much of a snow fan. But I guess that happens when you live in the northern part of the US.

I've also never been on a train.)



"Wait. Why am I here?" I asked Diavolo. He had asked me to join the council meeting today.

"Thank you for joining us today Y/N. I have a question for you. If you could go somewhere in the human world for a vacation, where would you go?" Diavolo inquired. I pondered for a few moments before answering.

"Well, I haven't been to a ski lodge in a few years. There's lot of snow, and you get to stay in a nice hotel with hot chocolate." I chuckled at the end. Hot chocolate always tastes better after you've been outside in the cold.

"That settles that then." Lucifer spoke up. Asmo's face lit up with excitement.

"Um...I'm confused. What's happening?"

"Lord Diavolo has been planning a trip to the human world. Since you're a human, we decided to ask you for your opinion." Lucifer explained.

"So....we're going to a ski lodge?"

"Hell yeah we are!" Mammon yelled out.

-flashback over-

I was looking out of the window of the train we were riding in, watching the pure white snow falling from the grey sky.

Something bumped against my shoulder, and I chuckled when I saw Belphie's sleeping face. Asmo gasped softly and took a picture.

Me, Belphie, Mammon, and Asmo were in one section of the train, while the others were in another one.

"You guys are so cute~" Asmo whispered excitedly. I blushed as I whispered back.

"We're not even a couple!"

"Not yet~" He teased, making me blush even more. I looked to Mammon, and I could tell he was close to yelling.

Luckily, Belphie yawned as he slowly opened his eyes. However, he seemed like he was still half asleep.

"Are...we there yet?" Belphie asked in a groggy tone. I had to admit, he looked...adorable when he was sleepy.

"Not yet Belphie. We should be there in another hour or so." I spoke in a quiet voice. He grumbled softly.

"Tell me when we get there..." Belphie rested his head against my arm again and fell asleep.

-time skip-

I saw a large building coming into view, and I gasped. I nearly jumped out of my seat, but then I remembered that Belphie was using me as a pillow. I lightly nudged him.

"Hey Belphie, get up." Surprisingly, he opened his eyes after I said that. He gave me a soft smile.

"Good morning Y/N." He sat up, and looked at the window. He seemed awestruck by the snow outside.

"Morning Belphie. We made it!"

"It's so pretty! It's perfect for selfies!" Asmo exclaimed. The train slowly screeched to a stop.

The other train door opened, and Lucifer looked two seconds from murdering someone. Satan was smirking slightly, which explains Lucifer's face.

"Hahaha! I see we've finally arrived. Isn't it beautiful Barbatos?" Diavolo asked his butler, who nodded.

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