Chapter 1

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"Name please."

"Carol Susan Jane Danvers."

Carol stood in front of the enlistment desk, waiting patiently. She was one of the few people to be chosen for S.H.I.E.L.D special forces. Her friend Maria stood next to her. 


"Boston, Massachusetts."



The enlistment worker finished filling out a large file, while Carol and Maria waited. 

"Congratulations. You have been accepted into the Avengers Initiative. They will be expecting you tomorrow at 500 hours."

"I'll be there."

Carol turned back to her friend, cheering quietly. 

"I'm in!"

"Congrats. Too bad I'm not with you." Maria said, happy for her best friend.

"True. But you can still visit me." Carol smiled at her, silently cheering for her promotion.

"I wonder who's in the group other than you."

"I'll have to find out tomorrow."

"When you do, tell me. There could be someone I know in it other than you."

"I will."

They both walked towards the cafeteria, waiting in line for food.

"I hope I get to fly in combat. That would be very interesting."

"It would. There isn't much action in California."

"We are test pilots. We test planes for a living."

Carol grabbed a bowl of broccoli before moving on to the other food.

"How's Monica? Is she doing good?"

"Yeah. Did I tell you about the time she beat up a boy at her school because he said she couldn't join them in a game?"

"Sounds like you."

"I'm pretty sure she gets it from you Carol."

Carol smiled before heading to one of the empty tables. She sat down across from Maria, looking around the cafeteria.

"I didn't know Thor was still here."


"Yeah. I thought he was transferred to Norway."

"Wasn't he in the same group as you in the Air Force?"

"Yup. I bet I could beat him."

"I would like to see that."

"You already know I'm the best pilot you've ever seen."

"I've seen you kick the other pilots butts."

Carol took a bite of her pasta, still staring at the table a few feet from her. She knew several pilots at that table. She had met them years ago. 



Carol regained focus as her friend smacked her on the shoulder.


"Is he more interesting than me?"

"No. I would never betray my best friend."

"Are you sure about that?"


"Then quit looking at him."

"You're just jealous I'm not listening to you."

"What is so interesting about him?"

"Absolutely nothing. Just another pilot in the Air Force."

Carol put her tray in the pile before heading out of the cafeteria. She went out of the building, towards the barracks. As she walked towards it, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"How's it going?" Thor said suddenly.

"Great." Carol responded, a little surprised to see him.

"Congratulations on the promotion. Welcome to the team."


Thor walked right past her in a hurry. She made it to her room, a little confused. Maria walked straight into her room, throwing something at her.

"What the hell?" Carol dodged the book, staring back at her best friend.

"I got a list of everyone who's on the team." Maria laughed a little bit, shaking her head.


"You and Thor are the only ones I know."

"That's great. Who are the others?"

"James Rhodes, Steve Rogers, James Barnes, and Sam Wilson."

"Looks like I got competition. I flew with them a while back in New Mexico."

"You're better than all of them."

"Did you hear about the new recruits. At least some of them are."


"Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Sharon Carter, and Peter Quill."

"They are going to have a field day. Ross doesn't mess around."

"No he doesn't."

"I better get going. I'm going back to Louisiana."

"Have fun. I'll keep you posted."

Carol hugged Maria before she left. Now that her friend was gone, it was silent. The only thing she could hear now was the footsteps of passing people. Carol picked up the book Maria had threw at her earlier. She read through it, looking for the Avengers Initiative. It was in the back of the book, filling only one page. There was very little information on it, which made Carol very curious. 

Higher Further Faster (Universe 13,400,063)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora