Chapter 62

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"Are you guys ready?" Rhodey wondered. 

"If doing it in ten seconds shows that idiot that we are better then him, I'm ready." Thor smiled. 

"We all have to." Bucky noted. 

"Then we'll do it." Carol responded. 

"I'm going to feel all of this tomorrow." Sam said to himself. 

"We all are Sam." Steve looked at him. 

They all started the obstacle course, trying to finish it as quickly as they could. Thor pulled himself up over the wall, and helped the rest of the team. The course got increasingly more difficult, but that didn't stop any of them.

"What are we at?" Steve asked. 

"4.7 seconds." Rhodey replied. 

"Come on guys. We got this." Thor encouraged the team. 

Sam cursed under his breath, while Rhodey silently prayed. Carol easily passed the courses, while also helping her team. The Avengers had made it through most of the murder house with plenty of time to spare. They cheered as they kept going. 

"We're going to win this." Carol smiled. 

"Hell yeah we are." Thor grinned widely. 

"The Avengers are unstoppable." Sam said happily. 

"We are so close." Steve cheered. 

"Rumlow's going to be surprised when we finish this." Rhodey chuckled. 

"He's probably thinking we can't do it." Bucky wheezed. 

"That's why we have to prove him wrong." Thor said with determination. 

"I just want to get this over with." Sam heaved. 

"We all do Sam." Carol nodded.

"I am so tired right now." Sam whined. 

"Suck it up and finish the last part." Carol spoke with a serious tone. 

"Way to brighten the mood Carol." Sam complained. 

"Did you think I was going to be soft on you?" Carol looked at him. 

"No." Sam muttered. 

"Exactly. I could either be your best friend or your worst nightmare. Depends on the day." Carol explained. 

"You're starting to scare me." Bucky commented. 

"That's what I'm trying to do." Carol continued. 

"How do you manage to handle Carol?" Steve asked Thor. 

"I don't. I piece it together as I go along." Thor responded, slightly smiling. 

"Sounds fun." Steve said. 

"It can be." Thor smirked. 

"You two are a perfect match for each other." Sam looked at them. 

"How'd you think we became friends in the first place?" Thor chuckled. 

"Pure luck?" Bucky guessed. 

"No. We both hate Rumlow with a passion. If we wanted to, we could start a group just dedicated to hating him." Thor explained. 

"Can I join that group?" Bucky asked. 

"It doesn't exist Bucky." Carol said. 

"You should totally make it a thing." Sam stated. 

"I'm thinking about it." Thor nodded. 

"We up to seven seconds guys." Rhodey announced. 

"Just a few more feet and we are done." Carol called out. 

The Avengers ran towards the finish line, breathing hard. Rumlow stopped the timer, seemingly surprised at the time.

"What did we get?" Carol looked at him. 

"8.3 seconds." Rumlow was shocked. 

"I knew we could do it." Thor smiled. 

"My body is going to shut down one of these days." Sam was out of breath. 

"Getting sleepy Falcon?" Carol smiled. 

"No." Sam responded. 

Rhodey looked down at Sam, who was sitting on the ground. The entire group was trying to regain their energy, but Rumlow had other plans. 

"You guys get to fly the quadjet." Rumlow announced. 

"Is that one of Stark's planes?" Steve wondered. 

"No. It was created by NASA and USAF." Carol explained. 

"How would you know that Carol?" Bucky looked at her. 

"I've flown the thing before." Carol responded. 

"When?" Sam said with confusion. 

"A few years ago when I used to test planes. The quadjet is used to transport people but it does have a few missiles on it." Carol continued speaking. 

"I want to fly this thing." Steve folded his arms. 

"And it can even go high enough to leave Earth's atmosphere." Carol smiled. 

"We should totally do that." Thor grinned. 

"You all have to know how to fly it." Rumlow informed them. 

"It's not that hard to fly. If you can fly an F-15, you can fly a quadjet." Carol rolled her eyes at Rumlow. 

"What time is it right now?" Bucky asked. 

"Just past four thirty." Rhodey looked at his watch. 

"We got all day." Thor said happily. 

"And tomorrow we get to repeat this all again." Steve noted. 

"Lovely." Sam mumbled. 

"For five days." Bucky said. 

"Can we just go to Yemen?" Sam shook his head. 

"When we finish the training we will." Rhodey informed. 

"I can't wait that long." Sam complained. 

"Yes you can." Carol answered. 

"If they need air support that badly, why are we even here?" Sam wondered. 

"You're going to have to ask Fury that." Rumlow told the group. 

"He's just being cautious. Last time we went on a mission, we almost lost Thor." Carol continued. 

"You have a point." Thor looked at her. 

"If we get through the next five days, we won't have to see that idiot again." Carol whispered. 

Carol pointed to Rumlow with her eyes, and the entire group nodded. 

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