Chapter 125

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"Look who showed up." Fury looked directly at Thor. 

"How's it going everyone?" Thor asked. 

Thor shook hands with Fury, smiling at his friends. Loki held Brie in his arms, sitting in the grass. The two of them watched the others, both enjoying themselves. 

"It's been a while since I've been back here." Thor noted. 

"Good thing we're all here now." Fury folded his arms. 


"How's babysitting Goose by the way?"


"You don't sound that amused."

"I would really love to keep Goose permanently, but Carol would personally hunt me down."

"Yeah, that sounds about right."

Thor watched Loki play with Brie from the corner of his eye. She seemed to be having a blast, as did everyone else. He made his way to his parents, hugging the both of them.

"It's nice to take a break every once in a while." Thor said.  

"How's Carol doing?" Frigga wondered. 

"Fairly well. We've both been busy lately."

"With Brie?"

"Pretty much. I don't think either of us have gotten more then five hours of sleep in the last month."

"Now you know how we felt with you and Loki."

"It's not that bad though."

"Just wait. You'll think it's fine now."

"Until that day comes, we'll be perfectly fine."

The group moved back into the house, preparing for dinner. Frigga did most of the cooking, with the occasional help of Loki. Everyone else helped set the table, and waited for the food to be done. 

"How's everyone's lives been lately?" Thor looked at the group. 

"Steve and Bucky are engaged." Sam announced. 

"Congratulations Steve." Carol said. 

"I finally asked him last week while we were on vacation in Romania." Steve smiled. 

"When are you two getting married?" Rhodey asked. 

"Sometime next month. Everyone is invited." Bucky responded. 

"That's good news." Thor nodded. 

"How's Peggy doing lately?" Carol said with curiosity. 

"She's doing well. Apparently her and Sousa got married three months ago." Steve informed them. 

"Looks like Sam and Rhodey are the only bachelors in the group." Bucky grinned. 

"It's not a competition." Sam shook his head. 

Sam rolled his eyes at Bucky and Steve, not caring about that much. Eventually the food was ready, and everyone enjoyed the meal.

"Are the Avengers getting transferred anytime soon?" Rhodey folded his arms. 

"Edwards doesn't currently need them right now, but there is a chance they will still get transferred back." Fury answered. 

"Townsville is pretty fun." Thor stated. 

"Edwards is still better." Carol looked at him. 

"Wait until we take Brie there."

"Can we come?" Sam asked. 

"Why not? The Avengers can be her support if she gets scared." Thor nodded. 

"How could she get scared? She's the daughter of the two most fearless people on this planet." Bucky argued. 

"I can't predict the future or anything, but if Brie grows up to be a pilot like her parents, the Air Force is going to have a field day." Fury looked at them. 

"The Air Force really hates it when Carol gets sent to Fury's office for doing something stupid." Steve smiled. 

"Usually the 'stupid' thing I do is not even that bad." Carol mumbled. 

"Not even that bad?! The other time you thought it was a great idea to jump out of a plane without a parachute." Fury commented. 

"Please, that's probably like number five on my list of dangerous things." Carol shrugged. 

"What's number one?!" Sam exclaimed. 

"Eating puffer fish." She didn't seem surprised. 

Carol continued to eat her food, smirking at Sam. he just sat there, not saying anything. The others laughed for a while, enjoying their food. Once everyone was done with the meal, they all decided to play Cards Against Humanity. 

"Is everyone in?" Rhodey asked. 

"Everyone but Carol and Thor." Steve informed them. 

"Good. I can finally win without them cheating." Sam said. 

"We can hear you Sam." Thor smiled. 

"You two cheat." Sam complained. 

"You're a sore loser." Carol answered. 

Thor and Carol headed up the stairs, going directly to their room. Carol sat on the bed, holding Brie in her arms. The two of them got Brie ready for bed before heading back down the stairs. Sam was complaining, but the rest of them just laughed. 

"What's the complaint about this time?" Carol folded her arms. 

"Your brother doesn't play fair at all." Sam responded. 

"You sound like a five year old whining over a broken toy." Thor shook his head. 

They joined the rest of the group, still trying to get Sam to stop complaining. Eventually they finished the game, and half the group went to bed. Carol and Thor started up another round with Loki and Fury. It was quieter without Sam, which was nice for all of them.

"What's the plan for tomorrow?" Thor asked. 

"The Avengers are going back to Edwards." Fury informed them. 

"Who's ass do we have to kick?" Carol muttered. 

"Every since you guys have been at Townsville, everyone at Edwards got screwed over." Fury continued. 

"Why?" Thor was confused. 

"Well, Secretary Ross is now commander of the base." Fury stated. 

"He's not even part of the Air Force." Carol hesitated. 

"Tell that to him. Ever since that happened, all the pilots stationed there are either transferred to Kalaikunda Air Force Station for some classified operation, or testing new technology for the US government." Fury said. 

"Damn, things just got confusing." Carol shook her head. 

"The Avengers are going back Thursday. When you guys arrive, who knows what Ross will be doing with the group." Fury told them. 

"When I get back there, Ross is going to have to deal with me." Thor said suddenly. 

"We don't need to lose another pilot Thor." Fury looked at him. 

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