Chapter 38

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"We have arrived." Thor announced. 

"She's going to be excited to see us." Carol spoke happily. 

"I haven't seen her in over a year."

"She was the one who helped me rescue you."

"How'd you manage to carry me?"

"Time and effort."

Carol knocked on the door, still talking to Thor. They waited a few minutes before Monica answered the door.

"Aunt Carol? I haven't seen you in ages." Monica smiled. 

"Lieutenant Trouble." Carol grinned. 

"My mom's going to be excited to see you."

"Is she in the backyard?"

"Yeah. I do have something to show you."

They headed to the backyard where Maria was working on her plane. Monica ran towards her mom, telling her that Carol was there.

"You've decided to visit?" Maria looked at her best friend. 

"For a little while. Thor and I are currently on the run from the entire government." Carol explained. 


"I told them to go to hell and left."

"Sounds about right."

"They did call him a terrorist."

"Cause he attacked those two bases?"

"He was brainwashed but they really didn't care."

"Damn things are getting crazy."

"I just came by to say hello and to get Goose."

"She's somewhere in the house."

Carol went right back into the house, searching for her cat. Thor stayed outside, and watched Monica. 

"How's your life been since I last saw you?" Maria looked at him.

"I relearned to walk and became a fugitive. On the plus side, me and Carol are going to chill out at my house until all of this passes." Thor folded his arms. 

"When are you going to ask my best friend out?"

"I haven't planned that out yet. I also have had to worry about other things."

"You've got a point."

"I eventually will though."

"You've got all the time in the world now."

"True. I could do it sometime this week."

"If the government does ask me where you two are, I'm going to lie about it."

"Just tell them we are in Canada. Make a random backstory for it too."

"I've got a few ideas."

Carol came back outside, with Goose in her arms. She joined Thor and Maria by the shed, telling them about her adventures of finding Goose.

"Guess where I found Goose?" Carol said. 

"The attic?" Thor guessed. 

"No. Goose was hiding in the dryer." Carol stated. 

"That cat is good at hide and seek." Maria nodded in agreement. 

"How did she manage to get in there?" Thor asked. 

"I still don't know. I'm very convinced that Goose is not actually a cat." Carol smiled. 

"Maybe she's a flerken." Thor smirked. 

"An alien creature? That's a little high." Maria said. 

"We never know." Carol chuckled. 

They walked back to the car, still arguing on what Goose actually was.

"Hopefully we don't get caught by the government." Carol noted. 

"Have fun." Maria smiled at her best friend. 

"We will." Carol responded. 

Carol hugged Maria before getting in the car. They drove off towards the airport where Fury was waiting.

"We brought a friend." Carol exclaimed. 

"Goose!" Fury got real excited. 

Fury picked Goose up from the ground, excited like a little child.

"He really is a cat person." Thor looked at him.

"I wasn't lying." Carol nodded.

"No you weren't."

They sat there for a good five minutes watching Fury play with Goose. It was very entertaining for the two of them. 

"Can I have my cat back?" Carol wondered. 

"We might want to hurry." Thor raised an eyebrow. 

"The government ordered me to hunt you tow down, but I hate them." Fury said. 

"What are you going to do?" Carol asked. 

"Lie to them. What about you?" Fury replied. 

"Me and Thor are going to hide out at his house." 

"You got the pager?"

"It's in my pocket. Only use it for emergencies."

"I got a backup plan in case the government decides to send out a search team."

"If you need help, you'll know where to find us."

"Since the government is tracking my phone, I'll have to use the pager."

"Tell Stark to get rid of the tracker. He did it with both of our phones."

"That's what I'm going to do."

"See you after this mess ends."

"We better leave now or the government is going find us."

Carol picked Goose up from the ground before heading inside the plane. She sat in the copilot seat, getting ready to start the plane.

"You ready Avenger?" Thor grinned. 

"Always." Carol smiled. 

The plane flew off the ground, and started its path towards Australia. Carol made sure the government couldn't track them by turning cloaking mode on.

"Thank you Stark." Carol muttered under her breath. 

"All we have to do now is sit back until we get there." Thor said. 

"Since we are going to Australia, we could go to Kakadu."

"That's true. It really close to my house."

"Is everything close to your house?"

"No. Melbourne and Sydney are all the way across the country. Ayers Rock is only halfway across."

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