Chapter 15

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"What are we doing?" Steve stared at Fury. 

"The Avengers have a mission in Laos. Several of our satellites have picked up enemy presence in the area." Fury announced to the group. 

"I have plans this week." Thor grumbled. 

"You're going to have to postpone them." Fury didn't care. 

"Sorry Carol. We're going to have to go next week." Thor looked at her. 

"It's fine. It's not as good as Australia but it'll have to do." Carol replied. 

"Can I continue?" Fury looked at the two of them. 

"Go ahead." Thor nodded. 

"Your jobs are to take out all the targets. Simple as that. Stealth is a priority. We don't need anyone to know about this. There will be a team on the ground lead by Rogers. Him, Barnes, and Wilson will take out any potential threats along with gathering information." Fury told everyone the plan. 

"Sounds easy enough." Sam said. 

"If everything goes according to plan, you'll be in and out in no time." Fury continued. 

"And if it doesn't?" Rhodey asked. 

"You'll be stuck there until we can get back up." Fury responded. 

"This plan just got worse." Bucky mumbled. 

"Meet up at the hangar in five minutes." Fury addressed. 

"We're already leaving?" Sam asked. 

"Yup. Better get prepared." Fury stood up. 

Fury left the room, leaving the group to talk about the plan.

"You guys are leading on the ground, while me, Carol, and Rhodes are in the air. If something goes wrong, go back. We don't need casualties on our hands." Thor told them. 

"We provide cover the entire way. Just get the information and destroy the targets. After that, head back to point Bravo. Rhodes will be there to pick you guys up." Carol looked at the group. 

"Are we all in agreement with the plan?" Steve asked. 

"Yeah. We got two minutes." Rhodey looked at his watch. 

"Better get going then." Bucky said. 

Everyone left the meeting room, going towards the hangar. When they got there, Steve, Bucky, and Wilson got their equipment while Rhodey, Carol, and Thor headed towards their planes. Carol put her helmet on, listening to the flight tower talk. 

"Ready Avenger?" He looked at her. 

"Higher, Further, Faster." She smiled at him. 

Thor gave her a thumbs up, and she responded with her signature sign. Rhodes gave them an okay sign before moving towards the runway.

"We are standing by." Rhodey announced. 

"Copy that." Flight control responded.

"Everything looks good." Steve checked to make sure everything was good. 

"We're all ready." Rhodey said. 

"You are good to go Colonel." Flight control agreed. 

Rhodes took off down the runway, and into the sky. Carol and Thor followed right behind him.

"Stick with the plan." Thor told them. 

"And also, improvise when you have to." Carol added. 

"The quicker we get this done, the quicker we can go home." Thor said. 

They flew for a good thirty minutes before they could see their destination. 

"Get ready Cap." Rhodey declared. 

"Already am." Steve responded. 

"Five hundred feet." Carol began. 

"Slow and steady Rhodey." Steve called out. 

"Two hundred feet and counting." She continued. 

"Bucky, you copy?" Rhodey asked. 

"Yes." Bucky said calmly. 

"Falcon?" Rhodey stated. 

"Yup." Sam sounded confident. 

"Drop now!" Rhodey announced. 

The group jumped out of the plane, releasing their parachutes. Steve landed on the ground first, followed by Bucky, and then Sam. They made sure their guns were suppressed before moving towards their targets. 

"Any sign of the enemy?" Thor asked. 

"It's clear." Steve replied. 

"This is good for us." Carol looked at her radar. 

"Clearing target Charlie." Bucky reported. 

"Heading towards target Delta." Sam joined in. 

"Good. Check your surroundings. They could be anywhere." Thor sounded very serious. 

 "Charlie covered." Steve said. 

"Meet up with Wilson. He's still on target Echo." Rhodey told him. 

"Bucky, you got Delta?" Steve wondered. 

"Yes. Heading to Sam." Bucky responded. 

"Any signs yet?" Sam asked. 

"Still clear." Carol was a little worried. 

"Almost done with Echo." Steve updated. 

"Last target." Sam continued. 

"The area is concerningly quiet." Carol noted. 

"Yeah I noticed that." Thor seemed worried too. 

"Better hurry guys. We don't want any surprises." Rhodey said. 

"Almost got it." Steve addressed. 

Steve and Bucky waited for Sam to finished downloading the information, while everyone else waited in the sky. None of them could see any signs of the enemy. 

"Got it. We are heading back now." Bucky added. 

"This went very smoothly." Rhodey was calm. 

"It's too perfect. There has to be something off." Carol hesitated. 

"Or you're just paranoid." Rhodey said. 

"I agree with Carol. There is something off about this whole thing." Thor cautioned. 

"I can feel it." She continued. 

"Are you guys there yet?" Rhodey asked. 

"Almost. We can see Rhodey." Sam said. 

"Hurry it up." Carol warned. 

"We ar-" Steve's voice cut out. 

"Cap? Are you there?" Thor asked. 

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