Chapter 85

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"Where the hell are you Carol? The military is here." Rhodey yelled. 

"Finishing what should have been done ages ago." Carol responded, turning off communications. 

She had killed most of the Russians and Ten Rings in the city. The only ones left were trying to leave the city. She had managed to stop them long enough to find Strucker. He was followed by a group of Ten Rings terrorists. She killed all of them, leaving her and Strucker on the bridge.

"You will pay for what you did asshole!" Carol screamed at Strucker. 

"He betrayed all of us. It was always what was going to happen." He didn't even care. 

"I will not end all of this until I put a bullet in your head!" Carol yelled. 

Carol ran towards him, anger controlling her actions. She punched him in the face, but was kicked to the ground. Strucker pulled out a knife, trying to stab her. He was slightly successful, but that didn't do much. Carol ignored the stab wound in her chest, still focused on killing him. She pulled it out, using it to her advantage. 

"YOU DESERVE TO DIE!" Carol exploded in anger. 

She ran towards him again, not caring that she could die. That was the least of her problems. Killing Strucker was the only thing on her list. It was at the very top.

"You cannot stop us." Strucker stared at her. 


She stabbed him in the neck multiple times. Just for good measure, she shot him in the head twice. Carol had finally gotten revenge for what he had done but it didn't satisfy her one bit. The only thing left was guilt and sadness. The other Avengers caught up to her, confused at the scene. 

"What the hell happened here?" Bucky was concerned. 

"Strucker is dead." Carol dropped the gun she was holding. 

"We gotta go." Steve said. 

She followed them to the truck, got in, and silently waited for the truck to go. Carol felt completely sad and weak from the loss of blood.

"You okay?" Rhodey looked at her. 

"I'm fine." Carol responded with a hint of anger in her voice. 

"Sorry about what happened. We couldn't stop him." Steve said sadly. 

"He's dead now." Carol muttered. 

"We lost a good person today." Bucky looked at the ground. 

"It should've been me." Carol said without hesitation. 

"It should've never happened." Sam responded. 

"If only I could trade places with him." Carol said with guilt. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" Rhodey looked concerned. 

"I'm fine alright?" Carol snapped. 

"I know you're angry but that isn't going to change anything Carol. He's gone and there's nothing we can do about it." Rhodey explained. 

"I'm fine. Quit acting like there's something wrong." Carol yelled. 

Carol looked at the ground, still processing everything. All of this would've never happened if she hadn't screwed it up. Guilt clouded her mind, stopping her from thinking clearly. She blamed herself for his death but that didn't change anything. Nothing could help her now, not even Maria. 

"Colonel wants us back at base." Steve said. 

"For what?" Rhodey asked. 

"He didn't specify." Steve continued. 

"This better be good news." Sam shook his head. 

"This is all my fault." Carol muttered. 

"No it's not Carol." Rhodey answered. 

"Yes it is. If it wasn't for me, he would still be alive." Carol continued speaking. 

"Stop blaming yourself. I understand that you are sad." Rhodey didn't like watching his best friend suffer. 

"You don't understand! I could've stopped it!" Carol shouted in anger. 

"Calm down Carol." Steve said slowly. 

"Quit telling me to calm down! It is my fault!" Carol cried. 

"Please Carol. Thor would not want you to do this." Rhodey said sadly. 

"He's dead and it's all my fault!" Carol screamed with guilt. 

Tears streamed down her face as she said that. The pain was worse than she could ever have possible felt. All she wanted to do was forget everything. There was nothing left for her now. 

"Carol please." Steve begged. 

"I can't do this anymore..." Carol sobbed. 

"Was that always there?" Rhodey said with concern. 

Rhodey pointed to her chest, looking at the stab wound she had gotten earlier. Her shirt was soaked with blood, and it wasn't stopping. Rhodey grabbed a nearby first aid kit, looking for something to stop the blood.

"It's going to be alright." Rhodey comforted. 

He grabbed a needle and thread, still trying to calm her down. He torn part of it off, cleaned up the blood, and stitched the wound up. She didn't say anything, only occasionally wincing. When he was done, he gave her a new shirt. 

"It's going to be okay." Rhodey assured. 

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