Chapter 4

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Carol opened her eyes, blinking a few times. She yawned before sitting up. The ground was very uncomfortable, then again, she had slept on dirt. A jacket was wrapped around her, but it wasn't hers. 

"Who's jacket is this?" She wondered. 

"Mine. You looked cold." Thor explained. 

"The temperatures in Canada love to get freezing." She got up from the ground. 

Thor laughed at her response, listening to the wind scraping against the make shift shelter. 

"Have you been awake this whole time?" 

"Yup. Didn't want a wild animal to get us."

"You're eventually going to need sleep."

"Not for a while. I can stay awake for about five days before I start falling asleep."

"Is anyone else awake?"

"Rhodey and Rogers."

"Where are they?"

"Outside looking for more food."

Carol got up from the dirt, handing Thor his jacket.

"Here's your jacket." She looked at him. 

"Keep it. It's a gift from me." He shook his head. 

"Are you sure?"


She set it on the ground before leaving the small shelter. The wind was a little strong, brushing across her face, leaving an icy feeling behind. The Sun had barely risen over the horizon, hitting the ground through mangled branches. 

"Heads up Danvers." Rhodey announced. 

Carol caught the rock Rhodey had threw at her.

"Are you trying to kill me?" She was a little annoyed at him. 

"It's a wake up call."

"Whatever you want to call that..."

"Is Bucky awake yet?" Steve joined in. 

"No. Neither is Wilson." Carol said. 

"The two slackers." Rhodey shook his head in disagreement. 

"What did you guys find?" She asked. 

"Some berries along with a deer Rogers killed." Rhodey walked towards the shelter. 

"You took down a deer with your hands?" Carol was quite surprised. 

"No. I took it down with a branch." Steve said. 


Thor had joined the small group outside, helping Rogers with the deer.

"We need a fire to cook this thing." Steve commented. 

"Anyone have a lighter?" Sam looked around. 

"Just use a rock." Thor responded. 

"The old fashioned way." Steve smiled. 

Steve picked up two rocks from the ground before sitting down right in front of the pile of sticks. He hit the two rocks together, creating tiny sparks. 

"It's working." They all watched more sparks appear. 

The brush eventually caught fire due to the sparks. Heat rushed from the fire, warming everyone around it. The group sat around the fire, watching the fire slowly cook the deer. 

"Barnes is awake Rogers." Rhodey told Steve. 

"Bucky you missed it." Steve informed him. 

"Missed what?" Bucky yawned. 

"I killed this deer with a branch."

"How long did that take you?"

"Ten minutes."

"Wilson still sleeping?" Thor wondered. 

"No. He is currently trying to get the flashlight to work." Rhodey said. 

"He's got the broken one." Carol smirked. 

"Just give it a few hits. It will eventually work." Thor raised his eyebrow slightly. 

"How much time we got?" Carol looked back at him. 

"Five days until Fury comes and gets us."

"What are we going to do until then?"

"Extend the shelter. Make it more storm proof."

"And animal proof. I heard a bear around this area yesterday."

"As long as you don't piss it off, we'll be fine."

"Knowing that it's Wilson, he's going to get us all killed." Carol pointed out. 

"That's not true!" Sam complained. 

"Remember the time we were in Germany?" Bucky hinted. 

"I did not get us killed." Sam glared at him. 

"You almost did." Steve joined in with the group. 

"Romanoff almost gave away our position." Sam argued. 

"At least she didn't get all of the German police to hunt us down." Steve clarified. 

"Are you really going to blame me for something that happened a year ago?" Sam debated. 

"Yup. It's very entertaining to see your reaction." Steve and Bucky both laughed. 

Sam threw the flashlight at Bucky's head, purposely trying to make him mad. Thor caught it before it reached his head. 

"Hey." Sam glared at him. 

"No one is killing anyone when I'm here." Thor warned, almost yelling at them. 

"Why don't I just lead the bear over here. That would be a sight." Sam rolled his eyes.

"Stop it Sam." Thor snapped. 

Sam eventually did stop talking, along with the entire group. They ate the cooked deer in silence, not bothering to start another conversation. When they were done, they split up, heading in different directions. Carol pulled out the knife she had brought with her, and carved in a stick she had found on the ground. It was the only thing entertaining for her. 

"Sorry if I scared you back there. I don't usually yell at people." Thor apologized. 

"It's all good. He totally deserved it." Carol smiled at him. 

"Hopefully he doesn't bring the bear here. I don't feel like taking one down." Thor sat down next to her. 

"You could though." She continued carving the piece of wood. 

"This is going to be a very long week."

"You have me as a best friend. We can survive a week with those idiots."

"You do have some of the best stories I've heard."

"My brother Steve used to tell them to me. He was also the only one who actually supported me in becoming a pilot. My parents did not."

"Must have been rough."

"It was. I stopped caring about what my parents though of me. As soon as I turned eighteen, I signed up for the Air Force, where I have been ever since."

"And now you are part of the Avengers, which makes you one of the best pilots in the world."

"Fury said in the country, but we all know he's lying."

"He hasn't seen you fly a plane has he?"

"Probably not. If he did, I would give him a heart attack from how low and fast I like to fly."

"I love doing that."

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