Chapter 87

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Thor woke up surrounded by darkness. He looked around, trying to figure out what was going on. The last thing he remembered beforehand was falling off the building. 

"Where the hell am I..." 

"This is your mind."

"Who the hell are you?"

"Your inner voice. We don't talk much."

"I have so many questions. Why is this happening?"

"You are currently in a coma."

"I'm not dead?"

"No. They managed to save you at the last second."


Thor kept looking around, trying to process all of the information. Confusion overwhelmed him, along with frustration. The darkness went away, and he appeared in Laos.


"This is one of your memories."

"What the hell is going on...?"

"You remember what happened here?"

"This is where the Russians found me."

"Exactly. You are going to face the nightmare yourself."

"I don't want to do this..."

"Second guessing isn't going to do anything."

"They tortured me."

"Then fight it. The worst that could happen is everything stays the same."

Thor walked through the trees, very paranoid. It was clear for now but the Russians could come anytime soon. He saw the bunker in the distance, and turned right back around.

"What are you doing?"

"Not going to happen. I hate that place."

"Face your fear."

"Not without Carol."

"She believes in you."

"She's the only one who can help me."

Thor heard something in the bushes, and he immediately took off running. He didn't even bother to look behind him.

"It's the Russians."

"That's who I don't want."

"Man up."

"I have no confidence right now."

"Come on. Carol believes in you. If she were here right now, she would not want you to be scared."

"I am acting like a fool."

"Fight the fear."

"I can do this."

Thor turned right back around, heading towards the Russians. He fought the fear, wanting to get rid of it. He thought about Carol and it made him less scared. 

"I can do this."

He was confident enough to back to the bunker where the Russians were. He hated this memory with a living passion and wanted to get it over with. As he walked to the bunker, he was hit in the back of the head.

"Oh no you don't." Thor muttered. 

Thor got up from the ground, pissed off about getting hit in the head. He punched the Russian in the face, not caring that he would eventually get surrounded. When he did, he surrendered willingly, letting the memory play out. 

"Добро пожаловать в Лаос." Strucker spoke to him. 

(Welcome to Laos.)

"Do you speak English?" Thor looked up at him. 

"Yes. Is that what you prefer?" 


"The Americans will be very happy to find out we have one of their guys."

"If you're planning to use me as a way to get what you want, it ain't going to happen."

"I have bigger plans for you."

Thor was forced into the bunker, knowing everything that happened next. They tied him to a chair, not caring about his complaints. 

"I'm not telling you shit." Thor protested. 

"What were you doing in Laos?" Strucker said. 

"Go to hell. Do you want me to spell it out for you?"

"Answer the question."

Thor was punched in the face, but he didn't care. He was having fun making them mad. He completely forgot about being scared. 

"What were you doing in Laos?" Strucker was starting to get annoyed. 

"Go f*** yourself." Thor said in the most serious tone. 

Thor smiled at him, purposefully refusing to do what the Russians wanted. That earned him a few punches to the face and a kick to the stomach.

"Are you going to comply?" Strucker was mad. 

"I'll comply when you stop being a whiny asshole. Oh wait, I forgot that you can't do that." Thor chuckled. 


"Keep going. This is getting entertaining."


"Go ahead. You'll be dead before you leave this bunker."


"Not going to happen."

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