Chapter 140

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After all these years, this was the one moment Brie had hoped for. She knew her mom was having a hard time without her dad, but she tried her best to cheer her up. She knew nothing would ever completely help her mom, but that didn't stop her. 

"How's your day mom?" Brie looked at her. 

"As well as it's going to get." Carol responded. 

"I brought a special someone to cheer you up."

Brie held up Goose, who let out a small meow. Carol managed to smile a little bit, but it didn't last long. The two of them got ready to leave for Edwards. Brie was very excited since it was a very important moment in her life. 

"You coming mom?" Brie wondered. 

"Yeah. Give me a minute." Carol nodded. 

Carol eventually came back, holding a small box in her hand. Brie was slightly confused, but didn't say anything. They headed to Edwards, where they would meet up with everyone else. She had heard her mom tell about the Avengers, and who was in it. She had met them a few times in her life, but not enough to call them her friends. 

"Dad would've loved to be here." Brie sighed. 

"It would be better if all of us were here." Carol said quietly. 

Once they had arrived at Edwards, Brie raced to the Avengers. All of them were surprised to see Carol. 

"If any of you say a single word, I won't hesitate to punch you." Carol looked at them. 

After all those years, Carol still sounded the same. Fury hugged her, along with everyone else. They all were glad to see her, even though it was fairly difficult for her to return back to the base.

"Today's the day. The Avengers is ready for a new generation." Fury announced. 

"The Air Force is going to love you." Steve smiled. 

"That's if they don't kill her first." Bucky answered. 

"They can try." Brie smirked. 

Everyone laughed a little bit, knowing full well that sounded exactly like Carol. The Avengers had brought something along with them, just to give to Brie. It would be a welcome gift.

"Fury gets to go first." Sam noted. 

"Here's your gift." Fury said. 

Brie opened it, finding a patch. She smiled, knowing it was the Avengers patch. It had every single one members name on it. She stared at one of the names. Odinson. She knew it was her dad's name, and it brought her joy. She barely knew her dad, but she wished he was here. 

"Who's next?" Rhodey wondered. 

"Steve and Bucky brought a combined gift." Fury informed. 

Brie took it, wanting to know what she had gotten. When she opened it, she found a pair of wings. 

"Welcome to the Avengers." Steve smiled. 

"Thanks." Brie thanked. 

Brie opened the gift from Sam, surprised to find flashlight. She was very confused.

"It's an Avenger's tradition. It's slightly broken. Just hit it a few times and it'll work." Sam grinned. 

Rhodey gave Brie his gift, waiting for her to open it. She held it in her hand, looking at it. It was the Swish army knife Carol had gave to him a while ago.

"This was your mom's. It will come in handy someday." Rhodey looked at her. 

"I mean, you're not wrong." Carol shrugged. 

Brie looked at her mom, who was holding the small box from earlier. She gave it to her, waiting for her to open it. When she did, Brie found a watch. It was olive green, with a russet brown watch band. 

"Turn the watch over. There's something engraved in it." Carol told her. 

She looked at the back of the watch, noticing the words engraved into the back of the battery. You are, and always will be the most important thing to me. She smiled, putting the watch on her wrist. She felt like she knew the words from somewhere, but couldn't place out where. 

"Thank you guys for the gifts." Brie looked at them. 

"Considering you are the new leader of the Avengers, you're going to need them." Fury said. 

"You're serious?" Brie was shocked. 

"Yes. It's time for a new generation to take the mantel." Rhodey nodded. 

"If I'm the new leader, the group needs some pilots." Brie stated. 

Bucky and Steve nodded to a figure standing right next to them. Brie didn't even know who the person was.

"This is James everyone. He's our son." Steve said. 

"Welcome to the group James." Brie smiled. 

"You too." James responded. 

Brie and James shook hands, and turned back to the others.

"Since the Avengers needs more people, I've got someone else in mind." Brie told them. 

"Like who?" Sam asked. 

Brie smiled, introducing everyone to her friend she had met a few years earlier while at the Air Force boot camp.

"This is Kevin Beckman. He's pretty much my only friend." Brie introduced him to the group. 

Carol looked at her daughter, smiling as she watched them. Brie and Kevin reminded her of herself and Thor, back when the two of them first joined the Avengers. She could almost tell that Thor was smiling right next to her. 

"Looks like Fury's going to have to do some hunting down." Rhodey folded his arms. 

"Already did." Fury didn't hesitate to speak. 

"Who else is joining?" Steve wondered. 

"Morgan Stark, Deke Shaw, and Lincoln Campbell." Fury informed. 

"I know them." Brie grinned. 

Brie was excited to lead the new Avengers, but she missed the old group. Even though the old Avengers were retired, she didn't care that much. She was proud that she would lead the new group. 

"Well Kevin, you ready for another adventure?" Brie looked at him with a large smile on her face. 

"Depends, are you up for it?" Kevin grinned at her. 

"With my best friend? Always."

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