Chapter 36

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"Did you get Stark?" Carol wondered. 

"He's in my office." Fury responded. 

"This better work."

"Has he even moved?"

"No. He's been like this for over three hours now."

Fury didn't respond, concerning the both of them. Carol got up from her chair, still keeping her eye on Thor. He moved slightly, which gave her hope.

"He moved." Carol said happily. 

The group continued to watch him, waiting for any response. It was several minutes before Thor moved again. Carol noticed that he was in distress, which concerned her even more than she already was. He was mumbling something, but none of them could pick out what he was saying. It got worse by the minute, and the mumbling turned into crying. 

"Wake up Sparkles." Carol prayed he would wake up. 

Carol shook Thor, trying to get him to wake up. He eventually did, almost giving the group a heart attack. He curled up in the fetal position and cried. Carol attempted to comfort him, while glaring at Fury.

"Where the hell is Stark?!" Carol yelled. 

"He almost done. Give him five minutes." Fury said. 

"Can we focus on Thor?"

Carol tried to calm Thor down, but it wasn't working very well.

"It's going to be okay." Carol comforted him. 

"...I...can' this....anymore..." Thor shivered. 

"Calm down buddy."

"They did something to me..."

"We know. We are trying to help you."

"'t understand...."

"Take it easy Thor."

"I found something guys." Stark announced. 

"Not the time Stark." Carol looked at him. 

"They used me..." Thor whispered. 

"What did you find Stark?" Fury asked. 

"Everything. All the records, files, even things we didn't know existed." Stark responded. 

"Anything on Odinson?" Fury wondered. 

"Yes, but you're not going to like it." Stark stated. 

"Just tell us." Carol said. 

"After your friend survived the serum, they brainwashed him into being a human weapon. He was sent on several missions to Iraq, Yemen, China, United Kingdom, Brazil, United States, and Mexico. His targets were Thaddeus Ross, Nicholas Fury, Stephen Strange, James Rhodes, Steve Rogers, James Barnes, Sam Wilson, T'Challa, me, Peter Parker, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Erik Killmonger, Erik Selvig, Sharon Carter, Yelena Belova, Alexei Shostakov, Melina Vostokoff, and Carol Danvers." Stark listed. 

"We were all targets?" Rhodey asked. 

"Yes. His last mission was supposed to be in the United States but it was never completed." Stark continued. 

"Why?" Rhodey asked. 

"It doesn't say. The only record we have is a list of targets and locations." Stark noted. 

"What were the targets for the last mission?" Carol asked. 

"There was only one target listed. The Russians wanted him to kill you Carol." Stark looked at her. 

"Thor said he never would harm me even if I wanted to kill him. He must have fought back." Carol whispered. 

"That should've been impossible. The technique they used to brainwash people was so advanced that even the strongest of people couldn't break it." Fury was shocked. 

"Was that the only mission that wasn't completed?" Carol said. 

"Yes. Remember the attacks on the US bases? That was him." Stark informed them. 

"I don't believe it..." Carol couldn't process it. 

"The records are right here. It even has a video." Stark explained. 

"Everyone in that base was killed. Thor would never do that." Carol spoke quietly. 

"It was him. I still don't understand how he was successful in Iraq but not in the US." Stark was confused. 

"..I...couldn't....stop....they....made me a killer...." Thor whispered. 

"You're not a killer. It wasn't you." Carol looked back at him. 


"You were brainwashed."

" kill you....I...couldn't do it...."

"We're going to fix this."

"What about the US government? They're going to call him a terrorist." Rhodey said with concerned. 

"He's not a terrorist. If I have to, I will defend him with my life." Carol began. 

"This just got a whole lot worse." Rhodey said. 

" my fault..." Thor said with guilt. 

"No it's not." Carol tried to calm him down. 

"I killed them....I deserve this..." Thor continued. 

"I am not letting the government take my best friend away." Carol declared. 

"How are we going to solve this? The government is going to win." Stark noted. 

"They're going to have to get through me first." Carol was determined. 

"We're going to need a really good plan then." Rhodey said. 

"This is really bad..." Rhodey looked at his phone. 

"What?" Carol guessed. 

"It's all over the news. Secretary Ross wants all of us in D.C right now." He continued. 

"I am not handing him over to the government." Carol argued. 

"We might want to go." Stark said. 

"We have no choice." Rhodey said quietly. 

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