Chapter 108

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Goose crept slowly towards her two owners, who were peacefully sleeping. The ginger cat made no noise as she jumped up on the bed, still watching the two of them. Using the darkness as an advantage, Goose softly stepped passed Carol's arm, and curled up right in between the two of them. After a few minutes, the deadly ball of fur let out the loudest yowl in the history of yowls. 

"REOOWWWW!" Goose yowled as loud as she could. 

Goose stepped on Thor's face, trying to get him to wake up. The only response was some grumbling. She kept yowling, trying to get at least one of her owners to wake up. Eventually both of them did wake up, a little annoyed at Goose, but not too much. 

"So needy." Thor shook his head in protest. 

"Meow." Goose looked directly at him. 

"Don't act like you didn't do anything."

Goose stared at Thor, almost as if she was smirking at him. The ginger cat followed him into the kitchen, waiting for some food. After Thor had fed Goose, he sat down at the table, barely awake. It was only five in the morning but it felt earlier. 

"You look like you're about ready to fall asleep at any second." Carol said. 

"I'm pretty sure Goose hates me." Thor considered. 

"Why would you think that? Goose loves you."

"I feel like she's purposely trying to annoy me."

"She loves you."

"That deadly ball of fur is jealous that you give more of your attention to me than her, and now she's getting her revenge for it."

"That's exaggeration Sparkles."

"Is it though?"

Thor smiled at his comment, still eyeing Goose. The tiny kitten had just barely finished up eating her food. The two of them stared at each other for a second, both not wanting to lose the staring contest. Carol watched them from the kitchen, very interested. She wanted to see who would win between a fighter pilot and a cat. 

"Just give up Goose." Thor threatened. 

"Meow." Goose didn't care. 

"Not going happen fuzzball."


"I will not lose to a cat."

Goose hopped up on the table, not once breaking her eye contact with Thor. The two of them continued staring at each other, not caring that one of them would lose. Carol was getting real into it. She was very entertained at the both of them, secretly hoping Goose would win. The ginger ball of fur smacked Thor in the face, causing him to blink. 

"WHAT IN THE HELL?!!" Thor exploded in anger. 

Thor slammed his fists on the table, glaring at Goose. She just stared at him, occasionally cleaning herself. Carol couldn't stop laughing at Thor's reaction. He was very mad that he lost to a cat, and knew that Carol would probably use it against him later. 

"Best thing I've seen all week." Carol chuckled. 

"Better than the snake yesterday?" Thor wondered. 


"I swear if you use any of it against me, you will not see the end of it."

"That makes me want to tell everyone now."

"Don't do that."

"I kinda want to annoy you now."

"I give up."

"That's a first."

"It will be the only time."

"You're seriously letting me win this?"


"You always let me win. It's no fun."

"I'd rather see you happy then actually winning. I personally love when you smile."

"Good thing we're getting married tomorrow."

"I'm too excited for that. It's going to be the best day of my life."

"I thought proposing to me was the best day of your life."

"I've changed it. And the second best day of my life was meeting you for the first time."

"Fair point."

"I wonder what your mom planned for the entire thing. We did tell her to surprise us."

"It's going to be even better knowing that she could've planned anything."

"And on top of that, she got the others to help out."

"They probably had some crazy ideas."

"Especially Rhodey. Who knows what ideas he told your mom?"

"I'm calling this Russian Roulette: Air Force Edition."

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