Chapter 56

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After they had stopped in Cairns to get Goose, the group was finally going back to Pasadena. Goose sat in Bucky's lap, cleaning herself while occasional licking his hand. Sam and Rhodey got so bored that they listed every movie they had ever seen. Steve was sleeping right next to Bucky, while Fury looked slightly annoyed. 

"How much longer do we have?" Sam asked. 

"Forty five minutes." Thor responded. 

"I've had this raging headache all day. It keeps coming and going." Fury said. 

"You sound like a needy two year old." Sam looked at him. 

"And there it is again." Fury looked slightly annoyed. 

Fury put his hand to his face, ignoring Sam's complaints. Thor turned back in his seat, laughing to himself. It had been over six hours since they had left Cairns, and even longer since they had left Wakanda. The only two people who were actually enjoying themselves were Thor and Carol. The entire trip had been going well, and they hadn't encountered a single plane. 

"What's the first thing you are going to do when we get back?" Carol wondered. 

"Who knows. I do have several options though." Thor smiled. 

"Fly a plane, go to Poncho's, go on a drive, or even better, go explore your house is Los Angeles."

"Too many things to do in a small amount of time."

"We got all week."

"As long as we're together, it's going to be fun."

"Being by yourself is boring."

"That's why I have you."

"Best duo that could ever exist."

"Hell yeah!"

They could see the west coast in the distance just below the clouds. As they got closer to the runway, Thor told the rest of the group.

"Five minutes everyone." Thor announced. 

"Finally." Sam cheered. 

"Where's Goose?" Carol asked.

"Sleeping on Bucky's lap." Steve said. 

"That little traitor." Carol muttered. 

"Calm down Carol. Goose still loves you." Thor spoke calmly. 

"She's my cat." Carol replied. 

Carol glared at Bucky, and went back to flying the plane. The plane came closer to the runway, slowing down its speed. She turned the plane towards the ground, preparing to land on the ground. The wheels touched the ground, leaving marks on the runway. It eventually came to a halt, stopping right before the end of the airfield. 

"Welcome back guys." Steve said. 

"Finally something good has happened today." Bucky replied. 

"Watch out for Ross. He wants me dead." Thor informed. 

"We'll help you sort it out." Fury looked at him. 

"Thanks but I'll be fine." Thor nodded. 

"See you back at the base." Rhodey noted. 

Fury and the rest of the group walked off the plane and headed towards the hangar. Thor sat in the copilots seat, staring at nothing. 

"What are we going to do?" Carol asked. 

"We could go to my house if you wanted." Thor suggested. 

"You read my mind."

"We gotta find my car first."

"It's near the north hangar where you left it."

"We just have to get there first."

"First one there wins."

"Are you challenging me?"


"Be prepared to lose then."

"You're lying to yourself."

"Am I though?"

Carol responded with a smile and ran out of the plane. Thor chased her towards his car, but couldn't quite run faster then her. 

"Too fast for you?" She asked. 

"No. Just my type." He smiled. 

Thor ran right next to her at the same speed. They eventually made it to his car after a good two minutes. Thor slowed his pace a little bit, letting Carol win the race. 

"I won!" She cheered. 

"I let you win." Thor laughed. 

"I still would've won."

"It depends."

Thor opened the drivers side door, and sat right down. He turned the key, staring up the car. He closed the door, and looked at Carol from the corner of his eye. As he smiled to himself, Carol looked right back at him.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Carol looked at him. 

"No reason." Thor grinned. 

She playfully smacked him on the arm, laughing really hard. They drove down the road, looking at passing cars. The mountains looked like giants through the window as the sun set behind them. 

"It's good to be back." Thor sighed happily. 

"I haven't seen you this happy in over a year." Carol said. 

"Our lives are back to normal."

"Simple but exciting?"

"Yes. Being with you is what makes it fun. We don't know what could happen, but we keep going along like nothing else matters."

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