Chapter 120

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Thor didn't hesitate to pull out his pistol, aiming it directly at Baron Zemo. Carol didn't move a muscle, staring right at Zemo's gun. The three of them stood there silently, not saying a single word.

"Drop the gun Zemo." Thor threatened. 

"You first." Zemo stared at him. 

"Drop it or I'll shoot you right where you stand." Thor continued talking. 

"You shoot me, I'll shoot her." Zemo responded. 

"NO!" Thor exploded in anger. 

Thor glared at Zemo, about three seconds from punching him in the face. He knew Zemo was serious, and Thor didn't want that to happen. 

"If you shoot me Zemo, you will have unleashed all of the seven hells." Carol warned. 

"Don't shoot her." Thor ordered. 

"Drop your weapon and we'll talk." Zemo said. 

"Not going to happen Zemo." Thor held his pistol steadily. 

Thor looked at Carol, silently telling her his plan. They looked back at Zemo, who was still aiming a gun at Carol. Within a moment, a gunshot was heard. Thor immediately looked at Carol, hoping she was okay. He was dead wrong.

"CAROL!" Thor screamed. 

Thor didn't hesitate to send a bullet through Zemo's head. Zemo hit the floor, dead on the spot. Thor dropped the gun that was in his hand, holding Carol in his arms.

"I don't want to lose you..." Thor whispered with fear. 

Thor's eyes filled with fear within seconds. Carol looked back at him with sadness. The two of them stared at each other, trying to process what had happened. Tears fell from Thor's eyes, hitting the ground. 

"...please don't leave me..." Thor cried quietly. 

"...I won't..." Carol promised. 

"I won't let death remove you from my life."

Thor stood up from the ground, holding her in his arms. He wouldn't let her die. As long as he was by her side, nothing would tear them apart. He was about to leave the room, when he heard something coming towards them. In a split second reaction, he used his body to shield Carol from the debris that surrounded them. 

"I promise you, with my life, the both of us will stay together." Thor looked at her. 

The building was demolished to pieces. The two of them were completely covered by the remains of the hotel. Thor tried to get up from the ground but stopped because if he moved anymore, the building would collapse on them. He held a giant piece of concrete with his back, giving the two of them a little bit of room. 

"What are you doing?" Carol looked at him. 

"Trying to save us." Thor grunted as he held the concrete slab steadily. 

"Only one of us can make it out."

"Get the others."

"Not without you."

"Go Carol."


"Please. I don't want to lose both of you."

"I don't want Brie to live without a father."

"It's going to be alright."

Thor held up the concrete long enough for Carol to get out of the debris. Once she had done that, Thor tried to think of a plan, but he was starting to get tired. His legs eventually gave in and he collapsed to the ground. Everything went dark after that.

"THOR!" Carol shouted. 

Carol stood there in complete shock. The other Avengers showed up, trying to figure out what happened. Carol tried to pick up the concrete but it was too heavy.

"Carol stop." Rhodey said. 

"No!" Carol yelled. 

"We have to go."

"I'm not leaving!"

Rhodey managed to grab her, with a ton of resistance. She tried to break free of his grasp, but gave up halfway through. The Avengers made it back to the nearest police station, seeking any medical personal in the area.

"We need assistance immediately!" Steve yelled. 

Eventually they got medical help for Carol. She was still mad at Rhodey, but sat there silently. She wasn't even focused on the bullet wound in her chest. 

"I'm going to need you to hold as still as possible." The medic instructed. 

Carol was real mad, but mostly sad. All she wanted to do was reverse time. But that wasn't possible. She ignored the pain in her chest, despite it being really bad. Eventually, the medic finished up tending to the wound. Carol stood up from the ground, ignoring everyone else. 

"Where are you going?" Bucky wondered. 

"Give me five minutes." Carol muttered. 

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