Chapter 131

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"You're one of the new people here?" The commander asked. 

"Yes." Thor said. 

"Welcome to Dhaka."

"I am still wondering why I'm here."

"Ah yes. You and the other newbies here get to take part in a certain project."

"Like what?"

"We'll explain that later."

Thor followed the commander around the base. It wasn't as fancy as Edwards, but it wasn't that bad. He didn't know a single person in the area, so everything was way more stressful. Eventually the commander lead them to a group of people.

"This is the group you will be working with. Most of them are volunteers from around this area. We do have a few people from the SAS." The commander informed him. 

"Lovely." Thor nodded. 

Thor joined the group he was assigned to, looking around. The group consisted of five people. It wasn't as big as the ones he was used to, but it would have to do. The group toured the entire base, getting used to everything. Once that was done, everyone headed back to the barracks.

"Since we have some free time, I thought it was a good idea to introduce ourselves." Quill said. 

"Sounds good." Sharon shrugged. 

Thor nodded in agreement, still sitting on his bed. He was busy thinking about how long he would be in Dhaka. 

"Who's going first?" Yelana wondered. 

"I'll do it." Quill replied. 

"Okay." Alexei said. 

"Well, my name's Peter Quill." Quill introduced himself. 

"I know you." Thor said suddenly. 

"Who are you?" Quill looked at him. 

"Colonel Thor Odinson. I've heard a lot about you." Thor answered. 

"Like what?" Quill was curious. 

"You, Carter, Romanoff, and Barton were in a group at one point." Thor stated. 

"Thanks to Ross, I ended up here." Quill told him. 

"Same with me," Thor nodded, "How about everyone else?" 

"That's Yelana Belova. She's one of the very few volunteers here." Quill said. 

"How's it goin'?" Yelana smiled. 

"Not bad." Thor shrugged. 

"The other two are Alexei Shostakov and Sharon Carter." Quill continued talking. 

"Are me and you the only ones forced to be here?" Thor looked at him. 

"I guess so." Quill responded. 

Thor look up at the ceiling, letting his mind drift off. He wondered what Carol was doing at the current moment, and how she was managing without him. From the first two days he had been in Dhaka, it wasn't that bad. It was lonely without Carol though.

"Does anyone here know what is going on?" Thor wondered. 

"About the operation we are taking part in?" Sharon asked. 

"Sure." Thor said. 

"The government keeps getting overthrown. We are going in to take it back from the current leader." Yelana didn't even look up from what she was doing. 

"Sounds simple." Thor said. 

"On top of that, we also have to go in, extract Natasha Romanoff, and collect the intel." Sharon continued. 

"What the hell is Romanoff doing here?" Thor hesitated. 

"She's our spy on the inside." Alexei informed him. 

"Why is that not surprising?" Thor shook his head. 

"That's pretty much why we are all here." Yelana noted. 

"When's the operation?" Thor asked. 

"Not for a while." Quill said. 

The rest of his group left the barracks and went to eat. Thor sat on his bed, thinking about all of the stuff he had just heard. He would be in Dhaka for a lot longer then a couple months. That was the disappointing part of it all. He decided to call Carol, since he had the free time.

"How's it going?" Thor smiled. 

"This is new. They're letting you call me now?" Carol was surprised. 

"Pretty much. I couldn't stand being without you."

"Brie's being having a blast. She wants to know where you are."

"What did you tell her?"

"That you're working. She really wants you to come home."

"It won't be for a while. I'm going to be here a lot longer then a few months."

"How long exactly?"

"A year? It just depends on when the operation is."


"When this is all over, I'm really going to have some issues with Ross."

"Are you going to make it to Brie's first birthday?"

"It depends. Unless the operation is in August, I should be able to. Even if I can't, I will try my hardest to make it. I don't want to miss her birthday. It's more important then anything else."

"She really does miss you."

"I miss her too. I miss you as well."

"We'll get through this."

"Hopefully I'll be home in no time though."

"We'll be waiting."

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