Chapter 101

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Thor got up from the ground, and slid the ring on her finger. It wasn't that fancy, but she still loved it. The ring looked like something from Norse mythology. It had words carved into it, but she couldn't tell what it said. 

"I never expected that to happen. You were really good at keeping the secret." Carol beamed. 

"I've wanted to do this for years. I made all of this up a before we went to Yemen. It was real hard not to tell you but I wanted it to be a surprise." Thor smiled at her. 

"I love all of it. Your gift was way better than the others, but it's only because this doesn't happen very often."

"This day is my new favorite day. I wanted to propose to you here since it was the first time I actually kissed you."

"You planned it out to the smallest detail didn't you?"

"Yup. Most stressful thing I've ever done in my life. I wanted to make sure it was perfect without overdoing it."

"It was definitely perfect. Not only did I get promoted today, but I'm now engaged to the most handsome person in the world."

"Pretty good day isn't it?"

"Best day of my life."

Carol smiled widely, enjoying the moment before it could end. She looked back at her friends, thanking them for the gifts. She enjoyed all of it, but secretly enjoyed Thor's gift most of all. This was the best birthday she had ever had. 

"How the hell did you get Fury to help you?" Carol asked. 

"It was fairly hard, but I am good at convincing people. He couldn't make it up here but when we get back, you can thank him." Thor explained. 

"What are we doing now?"

"We still got a ton of things planned. Loki wanted us to visit him, and my parents have planned something special for the two of us. I don't know what they have planned but I know it's going to be good."

"They knew about this too?"

"They knew about your birthday, not that I had planned to propose. They are going to be real happy to find out about that their son is engaged to the most beautiful girl in the world."

"What about my parents? They thought we were just friends."

"We'll tell them too. This is going to be really exciting."

"My parents are going to be really surprised at this. This is going to be really entertaining to watch their reactions."

The group helped pick up everything, and got into the car. It was going to be a long drive back to Darwin and an even longer flight back to Pearl Beach. Everyone seemed to be happy despite the incredibly long car ride ahead of them. Carol looked out the window, watching the slowly setting Sun. 

"Excited for tomorrow?" Thor looked at her. 

"It's going to be fun." Carol smiled. 

"I wonder what my parents have planned."

"I also want to know why Loki wants us to visit him."

"That too. Tomorrow's going to be very busy for us."

"Indeed it will be."

"Looks like the others had a very exhausting day."

Carol looked behind her, and saw the other Avengers passed out in the back. She smiled a little bit, and turned back around. When they finally arrived back at Darwin, they had to wake them up. They switched to the Stark plane, and set the route to Pearl Beach. It would be another four hours until they got to Sydney and then they would have to switch back to a car.

"It's on autopilot for the rest of the trip." Thor said. 

"We aren't getting back until around eleven." Carol answered. 

"We have to get up early tomorrow."

"How early are we talking?"


"That's not that bad."

Higher Further Faster (Universe 13,400,063)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें