Chapter 69

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"Welcome back to base guys." Morita greeted. 

"We're going to be here for a while." Steve informed them. 

"What happened?" Dugan wondered. 

"Thor was badly injured in combat." Bucky stated. 

"Great." Pinkerton said. 

"How's the Howling Commandos?" Steve asked. 

"We took Sana'a back." Morita continued talking. 

"Good. We took Taizz back as well." Sam smiled. 

"Slowly taking the country back." Rhodey nodded. 

"Tomorrow's going to be an adventure." Morita folded his arms. 

"Colonel Philips is planning to take back all of Yemen. We have control over Sana'a, Taizz, and Aden. There is still several cities out there." Dugan added. 

"Since Thor's out of action until further notice, we are going to have to do it without him for a while." Carol told them. 

"We'll manage." Rhodey advised. 

Carol went back to her tent, a little lonely since Thor wasn't there. She sighed slightly, and sat down. She was exhausted from the events of the day, and just wanted to sleep. The sound of helicopters and yelling was a normal thing at the base. She closed her eyes, listening to the calming sound of people yelling. After five minutes passed, she got up from her tent and walked to the medical area.

"Couldn't sleep?" Thor asked. 

"No. I was too lonely." Carol admitted. 

"You missed me?" He smiled. 

"I can't spend one minute without you." She nodded. 

"How's everyone else doing?"

"Decent. Colonel Philips is sending everyone out to Al Hudaydah tomorrow."

"I wish I could be there with you."

"When you are fully healed you can join us."

"I can't sit here for three weeks."

"It won't be that bad."

"I'm thinking about joining you guys even though I'm injured."

"Don't do it Sparkles."

"Why? I can function perfectly normal. It was a minor injury."

"A minor one?"

"Yes. Until I am either dying or can't walk, I'm fine."

"I'm not letting you go."

"Way to ruin the fun."

"I really don't want you to get even more hurt then you already are."

"I know that. I can't bear to leave you alone out here."

"I'll be fine."

"I know that, but in the back of my mind, I fear I will lose you."

"Let go of the fear. Out here, the only thing to fear is the two of us."

"You've got a point."

Thor smiled despite him being in severe pain. He really didn't want to sit in the same place for two weeks without her. The world was dangerous already, but it could get worse. After all that has happened to him over the past years, he wouldn't let an injury get the better of him. 

"I should probably get going. Gotta be ready to leave by five." Carol informed him. 

"Have fun. I'll just be here." Thor grumbled. 

"So sad." Carol mumbled. 

Carol kissed him on the forehead before heading back to her tent. Everyone else was already asleep to her surprise. As she attempted to fall asleep, she looked at picture of her and Thor. It had been taken back when the both of them had to do survival training in Russia. The both of them looked happy in the picture. Thor had made a funny face which made her laugh. She folded the picture and put it back in her pocket. 

As she fell asleep, she thought about everything. She couldn't wait until the mission would be over. Carol was really tired but couldn't get herself to fall asleep. Without Thor, it was way too lonely. The silence was starting to become annoying. 

"I hate this..." Carol mumbled. 

She got up from her tent, giving up on sleeping. Walking around the base was a little bit more soothing for her. Trying to process the last few days was overloading her brain. 

"You couldn't sleep either?" Carol asked. 

"I thought it was just me." Steve said. 

"Nope. I visited Thor earlier." 

"How's he holding up?"

"Great. He still wants to join us tomorrow."

"Getting him to stay in one place is the biggest failure any of us have had."

"Without him tomorrow is going to be hard."

"We still got you."

"There's only so much I can do though."

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