Chapter 103

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"Glad to see you could make it Loki." Sif smiled. 

"I brought some people to help you." Loki informed. 

Sif smiled when she saw who it was. Loki stood there, listening to his brother.

"How's it going Sif?" Thor nodded. 

"I haven't seen you since high school." Sif said. 

"It's been a while."

"How's your life been so far?"

"Great. Got promoted to Colonel a few weeks ago. And met my best friend, who is now my girlfriend, when I joined the Air Force twelve years ago."

"Who's the other one?" Sif asked. 

"This is Carol Danvers. She's my girlfriend." Thor told her. 

Carol smiled slightly, a little confused at what was going on.

"How's it going?" Carol wondered. 

Sif continued talking to Thor, and lead the group to the house.

"A lot has happened since I last saw you." Sif stated. 

"That's true." Thor agreed. 

The group followed Sif to where Loki said the party was going to be held. It was already set up, which made Thor and Carol confused.

"What stuff do you need help with?" Thor looked at Sif. 

"Moving some furniture in that house." Sif pointed to the house in the distance. 

"Is that it?" Thor asked. 

"Yes." Sif nodded. 

The two of them headed towards the house, still being watched by Loki and Sif. Thor opened the door, expecting some basics chairs. Instead, both him and Carol were bombarded by a group of people, which turned out to be his parents and the other Avengers. 

"What the hell..." Thor exclaimed. 

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled. 

"I thought you were planning something different." Thor was confused. 

"This was what we were planning all along." Frigga smiled. 

"Does everyone have a secret that I don't know about?" Carol looked surprised. 

"No. Loki told us about his idea for you two." Odin spoke. 

"So there is no party?" Thor said. 

"There is. Why do you think I made you two help me pick out a suit? This is the party I was talking about." Loki smiled. 

"You sly bastard." Thor shook his head, grinning. 

Loki smiled at his brother, enjoying his reaction. 

"So they told you about the news?" Thor said. 

"What news?" Frigga asked. 

"Yesterday at Kakadu, I proposed to Carol. We're engaged now." Thor beamed. 

"Congratulations brother." Loki congratulated. 

Frigga hugged Thor, happy to hear the great news. She hugged Carol as well, telling her how lucky she was. Odin did the same, along with Sif. Carol looked back at Thor, and they both smiled at each other. 

"When's the wedding?" Frigga looked at Thor. 

"We haven't planned it yet." Thor responded. 

"When you guys do, I have a few ideas that could be great." Frigga said. 

"It won't be for a while." Carol smiled. 

Thor patted his brother on the shoulder before leaving to the porch. He gazed out at the trees, enjoying the peace and quiet. 

"Not a fan of parties either?" Carol looked at him. 

"Depends on the party." Thor answered. 

"This one is fine."

"We've been everywhere all day. Traveling is getting exhausting."

"After the party ends, we'll go back to Pearl Beach."

"I was thinking we could go to Cairns for a bit, unless you didn't want to."

"I wouldn't mind."

Carol stood next to him, looking out at the beautiful scenery. It was completely quiet for a few minutes, except for a few birds could be heard chirping in the distance.

"When are we going back to Pasadena?" Carol wondered. 

"Whenever you want." Thor grinned. 

"You sure?"

"Yes. It's up to you."

"I like it here too. We could go back Monday."

"Sounds like a plan. Goose is probably missing us."

"She hates when we leave her."

"That sounds like me."

"It sounds like the both of us."

They both smiled almost immediately, without even thinking. Thor looked at Carol, laughing in agreement to her response. The two of them stood peacefully out on the porch, not being bothered by anyone. 

"How do you feel about leaving now?" Thor suggested. 

"I'm up for it. What about you Sparkles?" Carol didn't mind. 

"Same with me."

"What about the rest of them?"

"We'll say goodbye to them before we go."

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