Chapter 70

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"We got enemies everywhere." Sam noted. 

"The city's going to be taken if we're not smart." Steve tried thinking of a plan. 

"Anyone got a plan worth sharing?" Bucky wondered. 

"We split up into groups. Three of us go left, the others go right." Carol said. 

"Watch your surroundings. These guys are everywhere." Rhodey advised them. 

"Form up" Carol nodded. 

Carol and Rhodey left the group and ran towards the right side. Explosions were everywhere, hitting buildings and people. Carol tossed a grenade at a group of people, and rolled to cover. She was showered by dust and debris as a missile hit the building next to her.

"We need a new plan!" Sam yelled. 

"Get to those anti-air guns!" Carol shouted back at him. 

"That's a suicide mission!" Steve argued. 

"We are outnumbered on every side!" Bucky hollered from behind a pile of rubble. 

"Where is air support?!" Rhodey screamed. 

Sam pulled out another magazine and tossed it to Steve. Gunfire got louder every minute and the explosions got worse. Dust clouded the air, covering everyone. 

"Damn it! My gun's jammed!" Sam cursed. 

"We're on our own!" Bucky informed them. 

"This plan isn't working!" Steve declared. 

"Like none of us have noticed!" Rhodey glared at Steve. 

"Shut up assholes! I don't feel like dying anytime soon!" Carol argued. 

"We're running low on ammo and we've got no help!" Sam pointed out. 

"I have a plan!" Carol declared. 

"It better help us!" Sam spoke with a serious tone. 

"Bucky, you got that C-4?" Carol looked at him. 

"Yeah!" Bucky nodded. 

"Give it to Carol! The rest of us will give her cover fire while she blows that anti-air gun to hell!" Steve ordered. 

The group prepared for the last effort plan. Carol silently prayed and grabbed the C-4. They ran towards their assigned positions, giving Carol some much needed support. She ran towards the gun, slid past several bullets, and placed the C-4 right by the gun. As she ran to a safer distance, she sprayed and preyed the people around her. 

"Blow it to hell!" Rhodey commanded. 

Carol tucked to cover just as she triggered the explosive. It created a loud bang, along with debris everywhere. The group cheered, and joined Carol near the destroyed gun. 

"That was impressive." Steve smiled. 

"Our plan worked." Sam grinned. 

"إسقاط الأسلحة الخاصة بك!" An enemy pointed his gun at Carol.

(Drop your weapons!)

"Never mind..." Bucky muttered. 

The group lowered their weapons, but didn't drop them. Enemy soldiers surrounded them on all sides, aiming their guns at them. 

"Great choice of words Sam." Rhodey looked at him. 

"I can't predict the future." Sam whispered. 

"الآن!" The enemy kept yelling at them. 


"We've got no choice..." Steve noted. 

Steve dropped his gun on the ground. He was followed by Bucky, Sam, and Rhodey. Carol hesitated at first but decided to do it. She put her hands in the air, and knelt on the ground.

"ضعهم مع الباقي." The leader of the group ordered the others. 

(Put them with the rest.)

The Avengers were lead to an armored truck. The Howling Commandos were already there.

"We got surrounded." Steve told the group. 

"So did we." Morita responded. 

"I really though that plan would work." Rhodey said quietly. 

"It partially did." Bucky stated. 

"Now we are here." Carol looked at the ground. 

Carol sat right next to Dum Dum, and the rest of her group joined. The doors were shut and it was dark inside. They were silent the entire time. She thought about her next plan. They had been captured by the enemy who were taking them to some unknown location. If they were lucky enough, the US would find them. 

"Anyone got a backup plan?" Sam wondered. 

"Listen to them and we won't get killed." Steve said. 

"None of us speak Arabic." Carol pointed out. 

"That's makes our situation ten times worse." Morita shook his head. 

"Can anyone understand what they are saying?" Bucky asked. 

"I can understand a little bit. Not much though." Rhodey replied. 

"You've just became the most important person here Rhodey." Carol informed him. 

"Hopefully they'll find us."  Bucky prayed. 

"Considering where we are being taken, they won't find us." Rhodey mumbled. 

"Where are they taking us?" Carol questioned. 

"From what I could understand, we are heading to Khamer." Rhodey responded. 

"Where is that?" Sam said with confusion. 

"The nearest city to Sana'a." Rhodey explained. 

"There's a chance they could find us then." Steve answered. 

"No. Once we enter Khemar, we aren't leaving." Rhodey continued. 

"Praying isn't going to help anyone now." Steve whispered. 

"Nothing is going to help us." Bucky whispered. 

"All we do now is hope that someone will find us before they kill us." Carol closed her eyes. 

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