Chapter 28

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"Here's your room. Not to fancy, not to boring." Thor said. 

"It's perfect." Carol smiled. 

"If you need anything, my room's down the hall."

"Thanks for everything."

"You're our guest. We treat everyone like family."

"Everyone but Rumlow."


"See you tomorrow."

Thor left for his room, and Carol changed into her pajamas. She climbed into the guest bed, and looked out the window. She could see the ocean right outside. The waves crashed against the shore, and fell towards the ocean. She closed her eyes, listening to the sounds of the ocean. It was very peaceful for her, with a tiny bit of calm. 

After Thor left the guest room, he went straight to his. It was the same as always. He got up out of his wheelchair and sat on his bed, thinking about the rest of his vacation. There was so many places he wanted to take Carol, but only seven days to do it. As he changed into his pajamas, he could hear Loki walking around the house. He ignored the noise and climbed into his bed. He closed his eyes, letting sleep take over him. 



He could see the bunker in his head, along with distant memories. 



The flashbacks raced through his head, each one getting worse then the last.

"Двадцать три."

(Twenty three.)

He could hear the screams in his head, making him scared.



He felt a burning pain throughout him, like he was caught in a fire.



He saw the lifeless faces of innocent people. Thor tossed and turned in his sleep, trying to get rid of the memories. They continued to flash in his mind, reminding him of the nightmare he had been in months earlier. The pain got worse, almost to the point where he couldn't take it.  He felt the knife in his chest, tearing through his flesh. He screamed out in pain, hoping it would go away. 



The nightmare got worse, slowly creeping through his mind like a parasite. Explosions raced through his head, along with the screams of innocent people. He heard gunfire, with the occasional bang of a grenade. The screams got louder, piercing his ears. Thor woke up, sweating in fear, and his heart was beating extremely fast. He put his hands to his face, watching the memories flash in front of his eyes. 

"Готовы соблюдать?"

(Ready to comply?)

He quietly suffered through the flashbacks, waiting for them to go away. He was still scared, despite being in his own room. He hated the memories, and let the tears fall down his face. He was shaking really bad, and couldn't stop himself. No matter how hard he tried to think of something else, everything came right back. The nightmares, the pain, the screams. All of it rushed through his head, silently tormenting him. Thor put a shirt on before getting in his wheelchair. He wiped the tears from his red eyes, hoping nobody would notice he was crying. 

"How'd you sleep brother?" Loki wondered. 

"Fine. Is Carol up yet?" Thor asked, wanting to know. 


"What about everyone else?"

"Dad and Mom went on a walk."

"It's just us I guess."


"Are you going back to Melbourne?"

"Yes. I got more scenes to shoot."

"Have fun with that."

"Have fun on your vacation."

Loki left the house, and got into his car. Thor heard the engine fade off into the distance. He made his way downstairs, which took a while. He made his way out onto the beach, watching the sunrise. The waves calmed him down a bit. He sighed slowly, trying to get rid of the recent nightmare. It eventually went away, which relieved him. 

"That sunrise is amazing." Carol spoke, looking at the sky. 

"It is." Thor felt his mouth form a smile. 

Carol joined him on the beach, and watched the sun rise slowly in the sky. Thor smiled slightly, and looked at Carol through the corner of his eye. 

"Excited for today?" Carol asked. 

"Yeah. What about you?" Thor wondered. 


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