Chapter 22

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"Hopefully this mission actually goes well." Bucky told the group. 

"Don't jinx it." Carol responded. 

"I'm not trying to." Bucky looked back at her. 

"Have you ever done a ground mission before?" Steve asked. 

"No. This is the first." Carol didn't care that much. 

"It gets better." Sam folded his arms. 

"I'm am actually enjoying it so far." Carol smiled. 

"Fury really did a good job at explaining all of this." Maria remarked. 

"How's Monica?" Carol asked. 

"She was the one who convinced me to help you." Maria smiled. 

"She's gets it from me." Carol grinned. 

"You both are really sassy." 

"With a slight hint of confidence." 

"More like opinionated." 

"That works too." 

"Monica also wanted to tell you she has your jacket." 

"I call her Lieutenant Trouble for a reason."

"Do you want it back?"

"She can keep it. I have a better one."


"Yeah. He gave it to me back in Canada."

"That's nice of him."

"It's also the only thing I have left of him other than memories."

"Must've been hard to go back."

"It is, but in the back of my mind, I still have hope."

"I thought you'd given up already."

"Why would I?"

"Considering what you've been through, if I was you, I would've given up."

"I still have hope."

"We're all gonna need it."

Everyone met up at the plane, preparing themselves. 

"Are we good to go?" Steve wondered. 

"No." Rhodey replied. 

"What are we missing now?" Steve continued. 

"Fury. He isn't here yet." Sam said. 

"We better get going." Bucky responded. 

"Give him five minutes." Carol looked at them. 

"Start heading out now." Steve ordered. 

"Fury's here." Carol stated. 

Everyone gathered inside the plane, and listened to Fury. He discussed the entire plan, along with a back up. 

"When you get into the bunker, don't stop for anything." Fury explained. 

"What's even inside the thing?" Steve asked. 

"Who knows." Carol replied. 

"That helps a lot." Bucky said. 

"If you find something, report it to me immediately." Fury continued. 

"Depends on what it is." Carol rolled her eyes. 

"I want all information." Fury shook his head. 

Carol looked at the ground, playing with the coin in her hands. She was really dreading the mission, but she couldn't avoid it. The only thing racing through her mind was the bunker. Nobody had been it, which made things a whole lot worse. She knew that the Russians loved to be really secretive about what they were doing, and sometimes covering up stuff. 

"I'm really hoping we don't get ambushed." Bucky hesitated. 

"The Russians don't even know we are coming." Carol noted. 

"They will eventually will." Steve said. 

"When we are long gone from the bunker." She shrugged. 

"Or someone screws it up." Sam said. 

"Hopefully that doesn't happen." Rhodey commented. 

Carol watched Steve, Bucky, and Wilson play a card game. As far as she could tell, Bucky was winning. Wilson was complaining that Bucky was cheating while Steve defended his best friend.

"What are you guys playing?" Carol asked. 

"War.  Bucky is a cheater." Sam complained. 

"How is it possible to cheat in this game?" She was confused. 

"You would know." Sam pointed out. 

"Can I join?" She wondered. 

"Sure. As long as you don't cheat." Sam said. 

"I won't." Carol rolled her eyes. 

Carol started to play the game, which she found to be very entertaining. Within half an hour, Steve and Bucky were out. Sam and Carol refused to give up, and occasionally trash talked each other. 

"Let me win." Sam yelled. 

"Not gonna happen princess." Carol smirked at him. 

"I'm going to smack you for that." He glared at her. 

"Go cry to your mom." She shook her head. 

"You're worse than Bucky." He complained. 

"You're a decent player." Carol said. 

"That's the nicest thing you've said all day." He smiled. 

"I take that back." Carol regretted speaking. 

"Nope. You already said it." Sam replied. 

"Shut it." Carol looked at him. 

"Let me win then." Sam whined. 

"No." Carol grinned. 

"Wilson's getting his butt handed to him." Steve chuckled. 

"This is better than the time we played Uno." Bucky commented. 

"Or the time we played Poker." Rhodey joined in. 

"I never thought this game would get this competitive." Steve said. 

"It's now turned into the Olympics." Rhodey responded. 

"Sam isn't going to win this." Bucky observed. 

"Shut up guys. I'm trying to think." Sam glared at them. 

"Place the card down. All you have to do is beat a king." Carol said. 

"He's screwed." Bucky continued. 

"It's a tie." Rhodey announced. 

"Three..." Steve said. 

"Two..." Bucky joined in. 

"One..." Rhodey finished. 

"Flip your card." Maria said. 

Both of them flipped their cards at the same time, revealing an ace and a queen.

"Damn it." Sam whined. 

"So close." Bucky said. 

"Hand it over." Carol held her hand out. 

Sam pulled a five dollar bill and handed it to Carol. He grumbled, while Carol smirked at him.

"He's so pissed." Carol smiled. 

"This is why I don't play games with you Danvers." Sam glared at her. 

"Cause I keep winning?"


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