Chapter 109

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"I'm way too excited for today." Thor grinned. 

"Just wait until you see what we've planned. This is going to be the best day of your life." Steve told him. 

"You guys did blindfold me and drive me over here, so I'm a little bit curious." Thor looked at them. 

"Bucky wanted to do that." Sam stated. 

"Just with me or with Carol too?" Thor wondered. 

"Just you. Your mom planned something different for her." Rhodey responded. 

"I'm not that surprised. You guys are pretty much my brothers at this point." Thor chuckled. 

"Welcome to the Avengers." Bucky nodded. 

The group got out of the car, and went straight into the house. Thor prepared himself for everything, not knowing what they had in store for him. His day had gotten pretty wild, but was going to get even more wild. 

"Since we are your groomsmen, we will be helping you with your wedding. You do need to choose a best man though." Sam noted. 

"My brother Loki." Thor said without hesitation. 

"Not even us?" Steve asked. 

"Nope. Loki is going to be my best man." Thor continued. 

"We've been rejected." Bucky looked at Steve. 

"You guys are still my friends." Thor said. 

"I'm jealous now." Bucky shook his head. 

"When I get married, you can be my best man Bucky." Steve smiled. 

"What about me?" Sam commented. 

"Bucky is my first choice Sam." Steve explained. 

"You can join me Sam." Rhodey joined in. 

"At least me and Rhodey are the cool ones." Sam answered. 

"Since when?" Thor asked. 

"Since right now." Sam said quickly. 

"That makes me the leader of this group." 

"I thought Thor was the leader." Steve exclaimed. 

"Carol is the leader of the group." Thor replied. 

"Then I'll be the smart one of the group." Steve continued. 

"Rhodey was the smart one." Sam said. 

"Can I be the strength of the group then?" Steve wondered. 

"Thor already is." Rhodey added. 

"What isn't taken?" Steve shook his head. 

"The backup team." Thor stated. 

"That's it?" Steve argued. 

"Yup." Rhodey smiled. 

"Fine. Bucky and I will be that then." Steve folded his arms. 

"Lovely. Are we even going to get ready?" Thor commented. 

"Ah yes. You should see the suits we've chosen. Your's is also pretty cool." Rhodey replied. 

The group lead Thor into one of the many rooms, and shut the door. It was completely silent after that, except for the very quiet breathing of Thor. He looked around, spotting the suit his mom had made for him. He was quite surprised at the look. 

"She is way too good." He whispered. 

Thor took it out of the packaging, admiring the work of his mom. He started putting it on, thinking about what Carol would look in her dress. He fixed up his hair, wanting it to be perfect for her. When he was finished, he opened the door, meeting up with the others.

"Damn that actually looks good on you." Sam looked at him. 

"You guys look awesome." Thor smiled. 

"Not as good as you do." Sam continued. 

"Where's everyone else?" Thor asked. 

"The others are either out waiting, or helping Carol." Rhodey said. 

"Do I look perfect?" Thor looked at his friends. 

"Beyond perfect." Steve responded. 

"My mind is racing right now." Thor declared. 

"You'll be fine." Bucky assured. 

"I'm way too nervous for this." Thor muttered. 

"Calm it down buddy. Carol's going to love you." Rhodey patted Thor on the shoulder. 

"She already does." Thor looked at him. 

"She's going to love you more." Rhodey answered. 

"That's a better way of putting it." Thor smiled. 

"Your brother's here right now." Steve informed Thor. 

"Where?" Thor wondered.

"Out there. He's waiting for you." Bucky noted. 

Thor walked outside of the house, looking for his brother. The entire wedding was already set up, and a few people were sitting in the chairs. After gazing the area a few times, he eventually spotted his brother talking with Fury. 

"How's it going everyone?" Thor greeted. 

"Fairly well. What about you?" Fury wondered. 

"Other than being extremely nervous, I'd say I'm doing great." Thor smiled. 

"I can't believe my best friend is getting married." Fury was surprised. 

"She surprised a lot of people." Loki added. 

"Including Fury himself." Thor nodded. 

"Yes. Coulson and Hill are somewhere here." Fury kept looking around. 

"Is Stark here as well?" Thor asked. 

"Yes. The majority of S.H.I.E.L.D decided to come along with the Air Force. You got quite a few people here." Fury addressed. 

"I swear if Rumlow's here, I will personally beat the absolute crap out of him." Thor muttered. 

"Haven't seen him yet. He could show up though." Loki mentioned. 

"If he does, keep him as far from Carol and I as possible." Thor informed them. 

Thor looked around, keeping a sharp eye out for his enemy. The group continued talking, still waiting for the others. 

"This is going to take a while." Loki said. 

"I don't mind the wait that much." Thor shrugged. 

"Of course you don't. You're the one getting married." Fury looked at him. 

"Do you know how much the wait is making me nervous. I seriously don't know how you two are that calm." Thor continued talking. 

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