Chapter 128

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Other then having to wait a while to meet with Ross, Thor stared at the other people around him. They seemed quite bored, then again, everyone had an issue with the new thing he had started enforcing.

"What are you here for?" The pilot next to Thor asked. 

"Hmm?" Thor was confused. 

"Are you here to complain about the Ross's new order?"

"Pretty much. What about you?"

"Same with everyone else here."

"Seems like everyone hates him."


Thor looked back down at the ground, ignoring everything else. He would've rather been with Carol and Brie at the museum near the base, but this had to be done. Eventually after a while of waiting, it was finally his turn to meet with Ross. 

"Colonel Odinson, it's quite nice seeing you after all these years." Ross smiled. 

"Must've been hard dealing with all those pilots Ross." Thor folded his arms. 

"I've been here all day."

"It would be a lot easier just to keep everyone here."

"Well, pilots are needed in Kalaikunda."

Thor sat down on one of the chairs, slightly smiling at Ross. He desperately wanted to punch him in the face but resisted the urge to do so. 

"Why are you here Colonel?" Ross asked. 

"Same as everyone else. I don't feel like leaving my family for some dumb operation that was set up by the US government." Thor responded. 

"The Russians are becoming a big threat."

"And? Separating families doesn't make things better."

"That's what makes being in the military hard Colonel. You have to make difficult decisions, and sometimes that doesn't make it easier."

"I can tell you refuse to change your mind, so I'm going to make a deal with you."

Thor stood up from his chair, staring right back at Ross. He knew that he would never change his mind no matter what, so he was faced with only one option.

"Where are the Avengers being transferred to?" Thor asked with a serious tone.  

"This is individual. Barnes, Danvers and you are being transferred to Kalaikunda. Rhodes, Rogers, and Wilson are staying here." Ross informed him. 

"I will not let you separate my family."

Thor glared at the Commander, being completely serious. He would not let his wife be separated from his daughter. It didn't matter if he would get kicked out for objecting the orders. That was the least of his worries. The only thing that matter to him was keeping his family safe. 

"It's already been set up Colonel." Ross stated. 

"Change it." Thor declared. 

"That's impossible."

"I don't care! Change the damn order!"

Thor was beyond mad. He was really close to punching him in the face, even though it could get him kicked out. Ross didn't even care that Thor was mad. All he did was smile.

"CHANGE THE DAMN ORDER!" Thor exploded with anger. 

Thor didn't even care anymore. He punched Ross in the face, still yelling at him. Ross hit the wall across the room, groaning in pain when he hit the floor. Thor stared at him, more then pissed off. 

"You...shouldn't...have...done...that..." Ross muttered. 

"Kick me out. It won't change a damn thing." Thor taunted. 

"I was going to discharge you from the Air Force, but I have something better planned."

"Please, I'll punch you again."

"I'm sending you to Dhaka. They are in need of a garrison."

"I am not just some pilot you can hand off to other people!"

"Too late."

"I'll make a compromise with you."

"What it is it Colonel?"

"I'm willing to go to Dhaka, but you change the order. Carol stays here."

"Is that all?"


"You are free to go Colonel."

Thor nodded slightly, heading out the door. He was still mad about what Ross had decided, but at least his family would be safe. He headed to the museum, looking for his wife and daughter. 

"That was fast." Carol said. 

"Well, Ross isn't the best person to talk with." Thor mumbled. 

"What did he say?"

"Bucky is getting transferred to Kalaikunda. Steve, Sam, and Rhodey are staying here."

"What about us?"

"You are staying at Edwards. I am getting transferred to Dhaka."


"Yeah, Ross wanted me to go with Bucky to Kalaikunda. I punched him in the face so he changed that real fast."

"Why did you punch him in the face?"

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