Chapter 8

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"What do you want now?" Carol looked at him, not regretting her decision one bit. 

"If you really think you can do whatever the hell you want without consequences, you are very mistaken." Rumlow warned.

"It wasn't that bad." She argued. 

"I don't care. You are really close to getting kicked out of the program." Rumlow glared at her. 

"You guys are really disappointing." She answered. 

"This is your last warning." He shook his head in disappointment. 

"Okay. Just for the record though, I'm the best pilot you got." Carol declared. 

"We got Odinson." Rumlow replied. 

"Enough with the excuses. I am getting real tired of you guys's crap." Carol was starting to get real annoyed. 

"Just go." He yelled. 

"Fine." She grumbled. 

Carol left Rumlow's office, a little agitated.

"What did that jackass say this time?" Thor was waiting right outside for her. 

"He said if I keep up my attitude, he's kicking me out of the Avengers." Carol was fairly happy he was there.

"He can't do that." 

"Apparently he can." 

"I'm going to deal with him myself." 

Thor walked right into Rumlow's office. He was mad at Rumlow for trying to kick Carol out of the group.

"What the hell?!" Thor yelled at Rumlow. 

"What?" Rumlow looked at him, very confused. 

"Stop with the shit." Thor continued, not caring at all. 

"I don't understand." Rumlow stared at him blankly. 

"Carol is the best pilot we got. Kick her out and the whole group is useless. I will not hesitate to join her if you make that decision."

"Go ahead. We'll find more people."

"I am sick of you treating her like she's some type of expendable person."

"Technically she is."

"That's where you're wrong. She's better than anyone in the country. Possibly the world."

"I've seen better from average pilots."

"Cause she's a girl? That doesn't matter. She better than me."

"She's not good enough."

"YES SHE IS! CAROL IS BETTER THAN EVERY FEMALE AND MALE PILOT COMBINED!" Thor slammed his fist on the desk, making a loud bang. 

"Still isn't good enough." Rumlow smiled at him, finding it very amusing. 

"I'm done following your orders. I am going against everyone and letting her be my copilot."

"You want to get expelled from the program too?"

"If that's what it takes for you assholes to see how good of a pilot she is."

Thor didn't let Rumlow respond. He slammed the office door shut, not caring that he was being stared at.

"Looks like you had one hell of a time." Carol raised an eyebrow. 

"I'm quitting the group." Thor spoke without hesitation. 


"I don't want some idiot to tell me what to do. Rumlow doesn't want you as my copilot. I told him to go to hell."

"Fury's going to be pissed about this."

"I couldn't care less."

"I'll join you."

"I'm making my own group."

"Just me and you as members?"

"Yup. The two best pilots."

"Are we still testing that plane Stark made?"

"Why not? I got nothing better to do."

They both went to the hangar where both Stark and Fury were waiting.

"You guys ready?" Stark asked the two of them. 

"Yes." Thor walked towards the plane. 

"Where's Wilson? He's supposed to fly with you." Fury demanded. 

"Change of plans. Carol is flying with me." Thor didn't even look up at him. 

"That's not the order you were given." Fury was starting to get mad. 

"If you want to join Rumlow, go ahead. I'm not changing my mind." 

"You're flying in combat. She's not allowed to-"

"Please shut up. She can handle it. Now where's the plane?"

"Right over there." Stark pointed to the plane near him. 

Thor and Carol walked right past Fury, ignoring his complaints. They both got ready to take off, awaiting flight control.

"Flight control, this is Thunder." Thor put on his helmet, getting ready to test the plane. 

"Go ahead." Flight control responded.

"Avenger is joining me for this mission." Thor informed the team. 

"This isn't allowed. Postpone flight until further notice." They objected. 

"Nope." He started up the plane, staring back at Carol. 

Thor turned off all communications to the tower, starting the engines himself. The plane slowly moved towards the end of the runway, gaining speed by the minute.

"Ready Avenger?" He wondered. 

"Always." She smiled at him. 

"Odinson turn this plane around now!" Rhodey yelled. 

"No. She's staying with me." He ignored him as well. 

"You're going to get kicked out." Rhodey didn't want to deal with another issue. 

"That's better than dealing with a bunch of idiots." Thor continued what he was doing, despite it being against his orders. 

"They're going to shoot your plane down." 

"They can try."

"You're going to get yourself killed."

The plane took off from the ground, flying farther from the base. Carol could see several planes right behind them.

"I got five on our six." Carol told Thor, looking at the radar. 

"Ignore them." He really didn't care at all. 

"I find this great."

"As long as you're here with me, they are not shooting this plane from the sky."

"This is Stark. How's the plane going for you guys?" Stark joined in on the conversation. 

"Great. It's faster than any plane out there." Carol replied. 

"Turn on the cloaking device." He told her. 

"On it." She responded. 

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