Chapter 137

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Their helicopter was hit by a missile, sending it towards a building. Everyone braced for impact, praying they wouldn't die. The helicopter hit a building, sending the group flying. Thor hit the ground, getting the wind knocked out of him. His vision was blurry, and he struggled to make out noises. 

"Get up!" Yelana yelled. 

Thor scrambled up, looking back at the flames. He grabbed his gun, searching for the rest of his group. They all looked like crap, but that wasn't important.

"What are we going to do now?!" Quill looked confused. 

"Stay out of the streets." Thor instructed. 

All of them ran into a random building, waiting for backup to come. Thor caught a grenade, throwing it right out of the window. It exploded a few feet from them, causing more debris to fall.

"We need to get Romanoff and the files out of here." Thor noted. 

"Heads up everyone. Looks like we got company." Yelana told them. 

"Damn." Quill cursed. 

Quill fired his gun, managing to hit a few soldiers. Everyone else protected Natasha, waiting for anyone to show up.

"Backup's here." Alexei informed. 

"This is going to be one hell of a fight." Thor shook his head. 

They all ran out of the building, firing in every direction. More explosions came, followed by gunfire. Thor could barely see through the smoke.He kept firing at the soldiers, letting Natasha make it to the helicopter. The group helped him, providing a clear route to the extraction zone. 

"There's too many of them!" Quill yelled. 

"Keep firing!" Thor shouted back. 

A flash bang hit the ground near Thor, causing a bright flash. He hit the ground, blindly looking around. He couldn't see anything, which was extremely bad. He was pretty sure he broke something, but didn't care that much. 

"Target is successfully in the extraction zone." The pilot informed them. 

Thor slowly got up from the ground, avoiding the gun fire. He watched as Quill went down a few feet from him.

"Quill!" Thor yelled. 

He slid past a car, trying to help Quill back up again. He stared back up at Thor, not saying anything. 

"Come on Quill." Thor held out his hand. 

"Leave me. I'll be okay." Quill whispered. 

Quill closed his eyes, right in front of Thor. He just stood there, silently mourning his fallen teammate. 

"Quill's down." Thor informed. 

"That's one too many." Yelana said. 

His entire group continued what they were doing, trying to thin the amount of enemies in the area. Natasha made it to the helicopter, motioning for everyone else to come.

"Everyone go!" Thor ordered. 

Yelana followed after Natasha, as did Sharon. Alexei ran towards the group, but was hit by a grenade. Thor dodged gunfire, running to the helicopter. He hid behind a car, closing his eyes for a second. In his mind, he thought of his family. He knew that there was no possible way to make it out. 

"Come on!" Sharon yelled. 

"Go without me! It's the only way!" Thor made the decision. 

Thor looked up at his group, nodding. The helicopter left the area, managing to leave the area safely. It was up to Thor. He was hit by a grenade, causing him to fly right off the edge, into the ditch. 

"Ughhhh..." Thor groaned in pain. 

He laid on the ground, ignoring the pain he felt at the current moment. Blood pooled from his mouth, and he didn't want to move. He crawled to his gun, barely managing to grab it. He wouldn't give up. 

"Not today." Thor muttered. 

Thor blinked a few times, crawling up to the edge of the ditch. He could see soldiers running around, clearing the area. He kept hidden for the hope he could make it out. His thoughts were on Carol. He didn't want to break her heart, but there would be no second chances for him. Tears fell from his eyes, and Thor pulled out his phone. He sent Carol one last text, hoping it would reach her. 

"I'm sorry Carol..." Thor apologized as tears fell from his face. 

Thor felt more tears fall down his face as he stood up from the ditch. He knew there would be no second chances for him. He stood right in front of the soldiers, not caring that he wouldn't make it out this time. 

"I love you..." Thor whispered, realizing he had no other option. 

Thor felt the bullet fly right through his neck. He stood there for a second, staring at the ground in front of him. He could hear Carol's voice in his head, almost like she was there. He fell to his knees, letting the tears fall from his eyes. The last thing he saw before he closed his eyes was Carol. 

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