Chapter 115

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Instead of individual groups for training that the Avengers were used to, Townsville did things a little different. It was one big group instead of smaller ones. Thor was the only one who knew what was going to happen.

"Looks like we got some new faces." A figure approached them. 

The leader of the group approached them, immediately accepting them into the group.

"These are the Avengers, the best group in the US." Thor smiled. 

"The best you say? They clearly haven't seen the Guardians." Valkyrie seemed curious. 

"Unless you want to challenge the group Valkyrie, Carol would beat your asses in three seconds." Thor chuckled. 

Thor smirked at her, pretty much wanting to see what would happen if they let Carol fly. The other Avengers laughed a little bit, agreeing completely with him. Carol seemed amused at the fact that she would totally beat them. 

"I would love to destroy the Guardians single handedly." Carol cracked her knuckles. 

"This is going to be fun to watch." Rhodey stated. 

"Whoever loses owes everyone here a drink." Valkyrie bet. 

"Okay, simple enough." Carol nodded in agreement. 

Carol didn't even seem phased by this. Then again, she'd done more dumb stuff then this. Going against some fairly good pilots wasn't that big of a deal.

"This was not how I was planning for this day to go." Carol shook her head. 

"Wait until we get to the training. That's when things get real." Thor whispered to her. 

Carol hopped into the plane, preparing herself. Thor gave her a thumbs up, along with a large smile. She just shook her head, trying to not smile, but ended up smiling anyways. He was her one weakness, and she was his. It was impossible for her to resist his smile. 

"Ready to go Avenger?" Thor looked at her. 

"You should be up here with me." Carol said. 

"Win the race first, then I'll join."

"Give me five minutes."

The two of them laughed at their own conversation, knowing well that she would win that easily. Within a couple minutes, both Carol and Valkyrie were on the runway, waiting to win.

"You two ready?" Thor asked. 

"This is going to be easy." Valkyrie didn't even blink. 

"I could do this in my sleep." Carol responded. 

The Avengers sat near the flight control tower, hoping to get a great view of the two planes. Once they were clear, Carol raced down the runway with Valkyrie on her tail. The two of them spent the next few minutes trying to fly faster than the other. It was quite a sight for Thor to see. 

"Damn, this is really interesting." Sam muttered. 

"Carol's got some competition coming for her." Steve said. 

"She's still better." Bucky smiled. 

Thor watched her plane fly right above him. He could almost see her smiling right back at him, but she was gone as soon as he spotted her. Immediately he rushed to the flight control tower, wanting to talk with her.

"You there Avenger?" Thor said. 

"Your friend over here is really trying so hard to get past me." Carol answered. 

"Valkyrie's the best pilot here." Thor explained. 

"She hasn't seen me fly then." 

"You're really showing her how it's done around here."

"That's my job."

"Up for a surprise later?"


"So a yes then?"

She didn't respond to him, but he could still tell what her response was. Thor watched her plane race past the flight control tower, narrowly missing it by inches. He was the only one who wasn't scared by it. The other pilots in the tower with him almost got heart attacks.

"Still there Sparkles?" Carol wondered. 

"Yeah." Thor grinned. 

"Did I almost scare you?"

"Nope. You got everyone else pretty good."

"I'll meet you at the far hangar."

"I'll be there."

Thor didn't hesitate to get there within five minutes. He saw Valkyrie's plane race above him, and land on the runway. Carol had already landed just a few minutes before her.

"I won that easily." Carol folded her arms. 

"I guess we get free drinks tonight." Steve said. 

"Still up for a round of flying?" Carol asked Thor. 

"I've been waiting for you to say that for a while now." Thor smiled. 

"We'll have to wait until later though."

"True. We still got training to do."

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