Chapter 134

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Thor was glad he got to see his daughter on her birthday, but it only lasted for so long. He was back in Dhaka, waiting until the operation would happen. The entire time he had been at the base, their group spent the time training for multiple scenarios that could happen. 

"Today's just a practice run." Quill informed them. 

"So the same as the last week?" Yelana grumbled. 

"Pretty much." Sharon shook her head. 

They all followed Quill to the training ground, grumbling at the fact it was going to be a long day. 

"We are going to do the same thing we've been doing. Extract the dummy somewhere in the course." Quill said. 

"We've pretty much perfected it by now." Alexei noted. 

"It's a precaution." 

Thor took the lead, walking around the course. He quietly opened a door, peering inside. Once he cleared it, he signaled for the rest of his team to follow. They moved through the building, looking for the dummy. Thor stopped suddenly, holding his hand up in a fist. 

"Two ahead." Thor said. 

Thor motioned for Quill and Yelana to go ahead. They crept towards the doorway, preparing to knock out the fake enemies. Once that was done, the group continued. 

"Slow and steady." He instructed. 

Thor spotted the dummy above him, surrounded by more fake guards. He slowly walked up the stairs, keeping an eye on them. He snuck past them, right behind a couch. The rest of his group stayed right by the stairs, waiting for his order. 

"Stay down." Thor whispered. 

"Right away Odinson." Quill responded. 

"Just call me Thunder."

"Three enemies on the left." Yelana stated. 

"I can see that." Thor said. 

"What's the order?" Sharon looked at Thor. 

"Yelana, Quill, head to the left. Carter, Shostakov, you two go right." Thor commanded. 

"Copy that Thunder." Quill nodded. 

The group split up, heading towards their assigned locations. Thor kept going towards the dummy, watching the guards. He managed to knock out the nearest one to him, trying not to draw attention. 

"Be careful. Stealth is key everyone."

They continued the training, getting closer to completing it. Thor eyed one of the guards to his right, the last remaining one. He snuck up behind him, silently choking him out. He placed the body on the floor, getting closer to the dummy.

"Extracting the target, moving back to ground floor." Thor told the group. 

"Copy that. You're in the clear." Sharon answered. 

Thor went right back down the stairs, meeting up with the rest of his group. They headed back to the extraction zone, completing the training. 

"Good job everyone. You did very well." Quill smiled. 

"Considering we've been doing the same thing for the last week." Thor shook his head. 

"I do have some good news though." Quill continued. 

"What?" Yelana wondered. 

"The operation is next week. Once it is complete, we all get to go back to Kalaikunda." Quill announced. 

"And after that?" Alexei asked. 

"Back home from there." Quill said. 

"Good." Thor nodded. 

Thor silently celebrated. He was so close to going back to his family. It was only a week from now. He followed everyone else to the meeting room, fairly happy on the news. They went through the same information for the operation. 

"Natasha Romanoff should be in this government building. She's currently undercover as the President's assistance. You guys will have to extract her to the safe zone without getting caught by the military." Quill stated. 

"This isn't the worst thing I've done." Thor said quietly. 

"It's not that easy." Quill looked at him. 

"Were any of you in Kabul?" Thor wondered. 

"No." Sharon shook her head. 

"Exactly. Worst mission I've ever been on." Thor continued talking. 

"Didn't you get shot in the head?" Yelana looked at him. 

"Yeah. Never want to do that again." Thor said. 

Thor slightly smiled, still looking at the screen. He was pretty much used to going on very dangerous missions at this point. He wished Carol was here with him, but he had made the decision to go alone.

"Can I continue?" The commander looked at the group. 

"Go for it." Thor nodded. 

"Once you are at the extraction zone, you guys will be picked up by a helicopter." The commander stated. 

"Simple enough." Quill responded. 

"That's pretty much the extent of it." The commander finished. 

"Next week it is." Thor noted. 

"Better prepare for it. Anything could happen." The commander told them. 

"That's why we're doing the training course again." Quill ignored everyone's complaints. 

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