Chapter 51

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Carol stood up from the ground, still determined to get control of Thor. 

"Thor stop! This isn't you!" She continued. 

"I was ordered to kill everyone." Thor responded in anger. 

"Please stop."

"Not until I finish my mission."

Thor grabbed Carol by her throat again, not wanting anything but to kill her. Carol had finally given up all hope. She prepared herself, hoping this would all end. In the back of her mind, she still hoped he would stop. 

"Lightning." A voice called out. 

Carol opened her eyes, and looked around. Banner had been right behind them the whole time. Carol looked back at Thor, who let go of her. She fell to the ground, confused. Thor stood there silently, regaining control of his mind. 

"...what...have...I...done...." He said with fear. 

He looked down at the ground, realizing everything. Carol approached him slowly, but he backed away.

"I don't want to hurt you." Thor warned. 

"Thor..." Carol looked at him. 

"Stay away from me....please..."

His eyes were full of sadness. Thor knelt on the ground, realizing that his worst fear had came true. He never wanted to hurt anyone, but he had let it happen. 

"We can fix this..." Carol told him. 

"I can't fix what I did to you..." Thor hesitated. 

"Don't worry about me. It wasn't your fault."

"It was my fault..."

"Listen to me."

"I'm a monster Carol..."

"No you're not."

Thor let the tears fall from his eyes, feeling only guilt and regret. Carol knelt down next to him, not caring about anything else. What hope she had was starting to fade away. 

"I can't even trust myself." He sobbed. 

"Let go of everything. It's just me and you." Carol advised. 

"I can't..."

"Yes you can. You're holding yourself back."

"I don't know how..."

"I'll show you."

Carol placed her hands on his face, looking straight into his eyes. The tears kept falling from his face, and right onto the ground. She kissed him softly, trying to get him to calm down. After they broke apart, he sat there quietly. The rest of the Avengers had gotten up from the ground, slightly confused. 

"What the hell is going on?" Steve asked. 

"You weren't the only one who got punched in the face." Sam grumbled. 

"Banner? What are you doing here?" Fury wondered. 

"I saved you guys." Bruce informed them. 

"How the hell did Thor get mind controlled? You two plus Thor is the only ones who know the words." Bucky was confused. 

"Zemo." Thor replied quickly. 

"Who?" Bucky asked. 

"Baron Zemo. He killed the original person who was supposed to interrogate me. He got a hold of the book Strucker had." Thor continued. 

"Where the hell is he now?" Rhodey asked. 

"Who knows. He's long gone by now." Thor said. 

"Are we still going to Wakanda?" Bucky spoke with uncertainty. 

"That's our only option." Carol said. 

"We better leave before Ross comes back." Bruce stated. 

"The helicopter blew up." Steve answered. 

"That wasn't our only one." Bruce responded. 

Banner pushed a button on the small device he had, and the Stark ship appeared. Everyone got in it, hurrying as quickly as they could. The plane took off towards Wakanda, activating cloaking as soon as it was in the sky.

"Sorry for almost killing you guys." Thor apologized. 

"We're good. I just have a minor concussion though." Rhodey replied. 

"We all look like hell." Steve noted. 

"Except Banner." Sam said. 

"He wasn't there." Bucky answered. 

"Good thing he wasn't." Fury muttered. 

Thor looked back at Carol, placing her hand on his. She smiled a little bit, and rested her head on him. 

"T'Challa is going to be wondering what happened to us." Thor chuckled. 

"Hopefully Wakanda has good medical assistance." Carol smiled. 

"They probably do."

"How long are we staying there?"

"As long as it takes for them to fix me."

"Probably a couple days then."


Thor moved slightly, trying to get comfortable. He felt Carol sleeping on his lap. It was going to be a long time before they got to Wakanda, and an even longer time before they could clean themselves up. It had been a long day for Thor, but he pretty much ignored it. The only thing he cared about was making sure Carol was okay. He still regretted everything, but it was in the past now. There was nothing he could do to change it. He kissed her on the forehead, smiling to himself. 

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