Chapter 19

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"Разбуди его." A single voice rang out in the silence. 

(Wake him up.)

Thor felt a searing pain in his head, which was starting to annoy him.

"Доброе утро, американец." The voice said again. 

(Good morning American.)

"I'm Australian." Thor blinked his eyes, trying to figure out where he was. 

"Кто бы ты ни был, у меня есть к тебе несколько вопросов." The voice responded.

(Whatever you are, I have a few questions for you.)

"Do you even speak English?" Thor asked, wondering what the hell was going on. 

"Is that what you prefer?" 


"Who are you working for?"

"The United States Air Force."

One of the guards punched Thor in the face, making him groan in pain.

"Who do you work for?" The voice said again. 

"Like I said before, the United States Air Force." Thor was real mad. 

Thor tried to break free of the chair he was tied to, but it only resulted in the guards kicking him in the stomach.

"You guys hit like weak dogs." Thor smiled. 

Thor spat blood out of his mouth, fairly amused at his captors. 

"What were you doing in Laos?" The figure appeared in front of him. 

"I'm not telling you anything." Thor continued to smile. 

"Alright then. Since you refuse to comply, I will make sure you suffer unbearable pain."

The head guard signaled the two others, and left the room. They kicked him in the stomach a few times, along with the occasional punch to the face. Thor closed his eyes, trying to think about something other than the pain. It wasn't working very well. They eventually stopped, and untied Thor from the chair. He was thrown into a small cell, which was dark and cold. Thor sat on the ground, feeling very weak and tired at the same time. He was drained of all his energy, and the pain was difficult to handle. He was pretty sure they broke his ribs, but he couldn't tell. He tried his best to get comfortable before closing his eyes. 

As he drifted off into sleep, the cell door opened. He was dragged out of the room and into a larger one. He didn't even bother to look up. 

"Since you refused to tell us anything, I have made sure that you will wish you were dead." The voice said in a harsh tone. 

Thor watched as one of the figures in the room, walked towards him with a heated piece of metal. It was pressed against his arm, making Thor scream louder.

"The pain will only get worse." The voice continued. 

The other figure grabbed what appeared to be a knife. They stabbed it into Thor's chest, and it sent a searing pain throughout his entire body. Thor wanted all of it to stop but it didn't. It continued, getting worse as time passed. 

"What were you doing in Laos?" The voice almost yelled. 

"" Thor managed to say. 

Thor immediately felt something in his arm. He turned his head, and saw some sort of blue liquid being injected into his arm. Within minutes, his entire body felt like it was on fire. Thor screamed loudly, wanting all of the pain to stop. 

"Answer the question." The voice was starting to get mad. 

"I rather die than give you anything." Thor wasn't going to let them win. 

"I'll deal with you later. Put our prisoner in cell 56."

Thor was dragged out of the room, and thrown hardly into the cement floor of the cell. He didn't know where he was or what time it was. The only thing he cared about at the current moment was sleep. He was exhausted, and starving. He hadn't had a decent meal in over a week. His stomach growled, but Thor couldn't do anything about it. He laid down on the cold floor, hoping to at least get a few minutes of sleep. 

As he drifted off, he thought of Carol. He was disappointed that they never went on their vacation. It hurt him to think that Carol thought he was dead. He closed his eyes, hoping that the pain would stop. Thor shivered in the cold, trying to warm himself. The cold cement wasn't helping at all. His eyes were very red from exhaustion, and his skin was very pale. He drifted off to sleep, wanting this nightmare to end. 

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