Chapter 54

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After a few minutes, the pain went away. He felt a little light headed but didn't care that much. Shuri continued her work, while Thor laid there silently. 

"It will take a few minutes until the serum reacts with the antidote I gave you." Shuri stated. 

"What happens then?" Thor asked. 

"It will get rid of the serum completely."

"That's it?"

"Yes. Simple but good."

Thor felt a burning pain throughout him, getting stronger by the minute. He didn't say anything, trying to ignore it. It was ten times worse then when he got the serum. He clenched his fists together, trying to think of something other than the pain. 

"You still there?" She asked. 

"Yeah." Thor replied. 

"It should be working."

"Is there supposed to be a burning pain?"

"The serum is getting destroyed. That means its working."

"How much longer is this going to take?"

"Five more minutes. If the pain doesn't stop, something is horribly wrong."

"That's comforting to say."

Thor closed his eyes, and took deep breaths. He concentrated on everything but the pain, hoping it would go away. It seemed like an eternity before the pain eventually went away. Shuri brought the original hologram back, looking at the end results. 

"Your vitals signs are normal." She informed him. 

"Good." He nodded. 

"How do you feel?" Shuri wondered. 

"Normal." Thor said. 

"The serum looks like it is gone." Carol noted. 

"Carol, hand me that metal cup." Thor looked at her. 

Carol placed the metal cup in Thor's hand. He smashed it into a small ball, and put it on the table.

"I still got the super strength." He smiled. 

"Let's see if you can still get mind controlled." Shuri answered. 

"Hopefully I won't."

"You ready?"

"Go for it."

Shuri looked at her computer, memorizing the words. Once she did, Shuri turned back towards Thor. He nodded and she started to say them.

"If something happens, let me know." She explained. 

"Okay." He commented. 


Thor didn't say anything so she continued.


"We're still good."

"Двадцать три."

"Still nothing."


Thor sat there silently, not saying anything.


Shuri stopped saying the words, waiting for any reaction from Thor. He stood there silently, staring at the ground.

"You still there?" Shuri looked at him. 

"What?" Thor smiled. 

"Just making sure you didn't turn evil." She responded. 

"It doesn't affect me anymore." He cheered. 

"That's good news." Carol grinned. 

"Looks like I'm fixed." Thor said happily. 

Thor smiled and got up from the table. They left the lab, finally relived that the problem was gone. They headed towards the city, looking for anything that sounded interesting. 

"Since when did Wakanda have a Starbucks?" Carol said with curiosity. 

"I don't know." Thor said. 

"What are we looking for?"

"Some sort of restaurant."

"That looks like one."

Carol walked into one of the small shops, and looked around. Thor followed right behind her, amazed at everything. 

"What can I get you two?" Nakia asked. 

"What do you have here?" Thor asked. 

"Vegetable Pilau."

"That sounds good."

Thor and Carol sat down at a nearby table while they waited for their food. The city was fairly crowded, and the both of them stood out in the crowd.

"When we get back to California, I don't know how we are going to deal with Secretary Ross." Carol looked at him. 

"He already thinks I'm a threat." Thor replied. 

"It's going to take a miracle to fix all of it."

"The miracle has already happened."

"What miracle?"

"You're the only thing that makes my life worth living."

"So sweet Sparkles."

"I love you too."

Thor gave Carol an adorable smile which made her laugh. He got their food and sat back down. They both ate some of it, surprised by the taste.

"Why does this taste so good?" Thor wondered. 

"America should invest in this stuff." Carol nodded in agreement. 

"I agree with you."

"This is some of the best food I have ever had."

"The rest of the group is missing out."

"I wonder what they are doing right now."

"Sam is probably pissing Bucky off right now while Steve and Rhodey are trying to stop them from doing that."

"Fury's somewhere with Banner."

"When we get back to our room, we can tell them the great news."

"That's true. For the first time in ages, our lives aren't a living hell."

"And pretty soon we'll be able to go back to California, and our lives will return to normal."

"I haven't been back to California in over three months."

"It's been even longer for me."

"Six months isn't that bad."

"It is when you're a pilot."

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