Chapter 121

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Being trapped under a piece of concrete weighing almost five thousand pounds was not the worst thing that had happened to Thor. His current issue was trying to cope with the pain of a broken arm. It was stuck under another piece of concrete, which had shattered the bones. He had spent the last hour trying to free his arm, but the concrete didn't budge. 

"Ughhhhhh." Thor groaned in pain. 

His face was inches from the concrete. He had very little room to move, not that he could move anyways. Thor laid on the ground, trying to think of a plan. The other Avengers probably thought he was dead, so there would be no help from them. If only his arm was free.

He managed to push against the slab with his legs, hoping that would help him. It didn't do much except make the pain worse. He winced slightly, closing his eyes to try and get rid of the excruciating pain in his right arm. 

"" Thor whispered to himself. 

He used all of his remaining strength to move the slab. It moved slightly, creating a small opening that allowed light to stream in. He added more force to his legs, moving the concrete even more. He finally got his right arm free, and let go of the concrete. It fell back down, surrounding him in darkness. 

"I can do this." He wheezed. 

Thor used his left arm to grab the edge of the concrete, and pulled on it. It moved slightly, creating a small opening. He continued until the opening was large enough for him to crawl out of. The sunlight blinded him, causing Thor to close his eyes as soon as he was out from under the slab. He laid down on the rubble, blocking the sunlight with his hand. 

" Ты уверен, что он здесь?" A voice said in the distance. 

(Are you sure he's here?)

"Судя по информации, которую нам дали, Земо должен был быть именно в этом отеле." Another one joined in. 

(From the information we were given, Zemo should've been at this exact hotel.)

"Не похоже, что он сейчас здесь."

(Doesn't look like he's here now.)

"Он может быть под руинами этого здания."

(He could be under the remains of this building.)

"Это если он пережил ракету."

(That's if he survived the missile.)

Thor slowly managed to get up from the ground, avoiding as much pain as possible. The Russians came closer to him, and he prepared himself. With a broken arm, fighting multiple people at once was going to be very difficult.

"Остановись прямо там!" The Russian on the left commanded. 

(Stop right there!)

Thor looked at the two Russians standing right in front of him. They aimed their guns at him, yelling different things. He just stared at them, thinking of a decent plan. They continued yelling at him, but he didn't listen to them. 

"Хватит двигаться, или мы будем стрелять!" The other one shouted. 

(Stop moving or we'll shoot!)

In a split second reaction, Thor punched the Russians to his right in the face, managing to knock the gun from his hands. While doing that, he had grabbed a hold of a pistol, aiming it at the other Russian's head.

"Don't even try me." Thor glared at him. 

He stared coldly at him, gripping the gun tightly. The two of them stood there, not even flinching at the slightest movement. Thor sent a bullet through the Russian's head, grabbing the other Russian by the throat.

"Не стреляй!" The Russian pleaded. 

(Don't shoot!)

"Who the hell sent you here?" Thor asked. 

"Don't shoot. I'll tell you anything." 

"Answer me."


"What the hell does he want from Zemo?"

The Russian stared at Thor, not saying anything. As soon as Thor let go of the Russian, he immediately received a bullet wound to the chest. He landed on his knees, holding his chest. The Russian kicked him in the stomach, sending a searing pain throughout his body. Thor closed his eyes, trying to fight the pain. While he was kneeling on the ground, the Russian grabbed his right arm, sending him flying to the ground. 

"Gahhhhh!" Thor screamed as the pain got worse. 

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