Chapter 95

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Thor was starting to get excited. He was so close to waking up. He could almost see the shapes of people. The darkness got brighter every minute, until it was blinding. He blinked his eyes slowly, adjusting to the really bright light of the Sun. 

"You're eventually going to have to leave this room." Steve advised. 

"Not until he wakes up." Carol shook her head. 

"You've been here for two weeks. That's not healthy."

"Do I care?"

"No you don't."

"Exactly. Unless you have news worth hearing, I don't want to be bothered."

Thor listened to the entire conversation, still confused that they hadn't noticed he was awake. Carol was being stubborn like she usually was. Fury had given up trying to get her to leave, but Steve was still attempting it. 

"Come on Carol. You're acting like a child." Steve begged. 

"Not going to happen Cap." Carol didn't move. 

"Please. The rest of the Avengers are waiting for you out there."

"They can wait."

"Don't make me carry you out."

"If you lay one hand on me, I'm going to make sure you don't live another day."

"Quit trying to threaten me. It's not going to work."

"You want to test that Steve?"

"Now that I think of it, I'm not going to do that."

"Is the great Captain America scared of me?"

"No. I don't feel like dying today."

"Good choice."

She smiled at him, fairly happy with his choice. It had been a couple hours since they started arguing but she hadn't given up. She would not leave this room until Thor woke up.

"You starting to concern me." Steve said. 

"Why?" Carol looked at him, slightly confused. 

"You haven't left this room in over two weeks. No normal person would do that."

"I couldn't care less. I have all the time in the world."

"Don't make me get the entire team in here."

"Feel free. More people for me to beat up."

"That's concerning."

"Not that much."

Steve left the room, finally giving her some peace and quiet. She knew he was being serious about bringing the whole team. She didn't care that much though. Carol could stay in this room for as long as possible. Nothing could get her to leave, not even her own friends. 

"Last chance before we drag you out." Sam warned. 

"Go ahead." Carol insisted. 

Carol folded her arms, smiling at the fact that they sounded amusing. She really didn't care what they did to try and get her to leave. That would be the last thing the Avengers would do.

"Just listen to us Carol." Bucky pleaded. 

"I am listening. I just don't care." Carol answered. 

"It's not that hard." Steve said. 

"It's not. I refuse to leave." Carol continued talking. 

"You give us no choice then." Sam decided. 

The group tried to force her out of the room, but ended up getting smacked in the face. 

"I already told you, never going to happen." Carol stated. 

"You're making this more difficult then it has to be." Bucky muttered. 

"No. Now quit bothering me." Carol folded her arms. 

"We aren't leaving either." Sam noted. 

"This is going to be fun." Carol smiled. 

"Please Carol." Steve looked at her. 

"All of you are starting to get boring." Carol sighed. 

"Does that mean I'm boring too?" Thor asked. 

The entire group turned to look at Thor, who was smiling widely. He started laughing for no reason, but continued talking.

"Please, keep going with your feud. It's really entertaining." Thor insisted. 

"You've been awake this whole time?" Bucky questioned. 

"Pretty much. I really want to see Carol win this argument." Thor nodded. 

"She pretty much already did." Steve commented. 

Carol immediately hugged him without saying anything. She was too excited for that. The Avengers smiled at the two of them, and didn't say anything.

"How long was I out?" Thor wondered. 

"A little over five months." Carol responded. 

"That's too long."

"It was worse for me. I had to deal with the world and didn't have you to help me."

"I wish I would've woken up earlier."

"I'm fine now. My wish finally came true."

"Who's going to get Fury?" Rhodey said. 

"Not it." Sam shook his head. 

"I volunteer Steve." Carol said without hesitation. 

"Why me?" Steve objected. 

"No reason." Carol replied. 

Carol smirked at him, and he only responded with an eye roll. He left the room to get Fury, and the rest of the Avengers continued their conversation.

"It was about time you woke up. She was real close to having a mental breakdown." Rhodey stated. 

"I was not. I was perfectly fine." Carol remarked. 

"Don't listen to her. She's full of lies." Sam told Thor. 

"You've asked for a death wish Sam." Thor informed him. 

"Damn it Carol." Sam muttered. 

He left the room before she could do anything. Carol smiled to herself, and looked back at Thor. He smiled back at her, laughing a little bit. 

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